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      I reached out to touch the egg, mostly to confirm I wasn't seeing things. The egg was red with black accents. I removed the egg from the grass and examined it. I was was from the heat rising up from the ground. Just as I came to terms with what I was looking at, Tahli dropped down from above, with Amy right behind her.

"Where's Bailey?" I asked.

"She's up top with Doron." Tahli said.

I returned my gaze to the egg. It was just as warm as our dragons eggs were when my father brought them to me so many years ago. Doron, Veracon and Ragon peered down at us and looked around in curiosity.

"Eggs, there's more eggs!" I said excitedly.

I put the red egg in the grass and began digging all along the edge of the valley. I brushed along the dirt as I dug until I felt what I thought was a rock at first. I dug around it, until I saw a flash of purple.

"I've got another one!" I exclaimed.

I pulled the warm egg out of the dirt and brushed the dirt off. It was dark purple with silver accents on the tips of the scale like bumps covering the egg. 

"I've got one here." Tahli said as she pulled a blue egg from the dirt.

I pulled another two eggs from the dirt. One bright white, the other dark orange, and Tahli pulled up two of her own. One was brown, the other was a lighter blue color. I looked up at Doron. He pulled his head out of the valley along with Veracon and Ragon.

"That must be all of them." I said.

We wrapped the eggs in our clothing and slowly climbed back up, where Bailey was waiting for us. We placed the eggs on the grass, and the dragons formed a protective circle around them.

"This must be why they seemed so intrigued by the volcano. They could sense there were eggs here, and they were over taken by their protective instinct when they saw the soldiers near where the eggs were buried." Tahli said while looking over the eggs.

"Wh-what do we do with them?" Bailey asked hesitantly.

"That my dear, is up to them." I said as I looked up at Doron.

"What about our men?" Amy said.

I had forgotten about the slaughter that took place earlier in the day. I mounted Doron in a hurry and looked down at Tahli.

"I'll be back. I'm going to see what is left of them. Stay with the eggs." I said.

Doron seemed hesitant to leave the eggs as I commanded him to take off.

"It will only be for a moment." I said softly.

Ragon and Veracon clicked at Doron, as he clicked back. After several seconds, Doron took off towards the battle field. As we flew over head, I looked down to see very few signs of life. We landed, and as I dismounted, the few survivors of my army, along with soldiers they had captured came to greet me.

"Ma'am, it's such a pleasure to see you this close. What do you order we do with these useless scum." One man said as he forced the soldier to his knees.

"Kill them all." I said.

The men slit the throats of the soldiers they had captured and kicked their bodies to the ground, before returning their attention to me.

"What do we do now? We have lost far to many to attack the king once again."

"Gentlemen, we have lost many brave men, but we have struck a powerful blow to our adversary. The king has lost nearly half of his military force. Should we strike at the proper time, and in the proper place, we still hold a chance to bring him down." I said.

Before anyone got a chance to respond, Jonah came running up to me. We embraced in each others company for several seconds in a hug tighter than any before it.

"I'm glad you're okay. Our plan worked." I said.

"It may have worked, but we have lost far to many men for today to be considered a victory. We are to weak to attack again." Jonah said.

I nodded, before turning to face my remaining men.

"My brothers, you have all fought gallantly. We will reside here, in the mountains for as long as we must. If you wish, you may return to your homes until called upon again to fight for your families. The choice is yours. But just know, that your wait will not be in vain. I will call upon you when the time is right. The king has suffered such severe losses that he will not risk sending his remaining forces anywhere away from him, in order to protect him. You have nothing to fear. Go now. Enjoy your time with your families. I will call upon you when the time is right."  I yelled out.

The men looked around at each other, before slowly, but surely, the began mounting horses and gathering supplies. Before I knew it, all that remained was a sea of dead bodies, and blood.

"What was that all about?" Jonah asked.

"My love, we have new soldiers on the way." I said.

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