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      "Jonah!" I screamed as I scrambled over to his side.

I flipped him on his back and examined the wound on his chest as blood poured out of his mouth. Doron attempted to protect us by roasting the soldiers near enough for him to reach with his fire breath. Jonah was gargling blood as he tried to speak. I looked on helplessly with tears streaming down my face as he locked eyes with me. I bent over and kissed him, disregarding the blood on his lips. When I pulled my head back, Jonah's head dropped back, and the sound of his raspy breath went silent. I sat there for several minutes as Doron did his best to defend me while I cried, bent over Jonah's lifeless body. Then, in the middle of my grieving, I felt a thud behind me. I turned to see Magar looking down at me as Bailey walked up behind me with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"It's alright. It's alright." I said while hugging her.

Just then, an arrow struck the ground next to me.

"Let's get out of here!" I shouted as I ran to mount Doron.

As I started to climb Doron's wing, I heard a loud screech come from behind me. I turned around to see Alio and Tilio flying side by side over head, breathing fire down on the soldiers below. As the two flew over head, several long range arrows flew up at the two dragons, until one of them struck Tilio in the chest. Tilio shrieked in pain as he dropped out of the air and crashed between Doron and Magar while Alio flew around over head looking down at her slain partner.

"Get out of here! Now!" I shouted to Bailey.

Magar took off and Joined Alio up ahead as she called for Tilio to come back to her. Doron Formed up with Ragon and Veracon, the three of them swept the battle field almost clean of the remaining soldiers as the warriors on the ground got past the thin shield wall and started to put down the last of the soldiers who hadn't been killed at that point.

Doron set down in front of Jonah's dead body and bent over to nudge it in an attempt to wake him. I looked over his body, trying to hold back my tears as Amy and Tahli came running up to me, with Bailey and Magar off to the side looking down at Tilio as he moaned in pain.

"Jess... I'm-"

"It's fine. It's part of war." I said cutting Tahli off before turning and walking over to Tilio.

The red dragon had survived his fall, but would not survive the arrow strike. Alio landed next to him as the two clicked back and forth to one another. Tilio moaned briefly before his head dropped to the ground, and his body fell still. Alio nudged Tilio with her snout, before crying out in agony at the sky. It was then that I noticed that the sound of battle had fizzled out, and had been replaced with the sound of moaning and screaming from wounded men on both sides. I wandered through the battle field, and looked over the mostly dead warriors and soldiers, with only a few warriors still standing by their horses, many of them painted and moist with the blood of their adversaries. They bowed their heads at me as I walked through the sea of dead bodies and smoke. For miles, all I could see was smoke filling the sky. I decided I had seen enough when a soldier looked up at me with his intestines partially wrapped around his neck.

"Cumano was shot down as well. We've got to find him to see if he's alright." I said knowing he wouldn't be.

After flying over head for a while, I spotted Cumano's body down below. As I dismounted Doron, I saw that Cumano had broken his wing when he crashed, but after looking closer, it was clear that the dragon was already dead.

"That's three dragons dead in just one day. That's far to many." Tahli said while shaking her head.

"Bailey, listen. The last line of defense between us and the king is made of the best soldiers he has. I don't care what you say, you're not coming. I want you to take Magar, along with Tegon and Alio back to the valley. You don't leave until we get back. Do you understand?" I said firmly.

"B-But what if you don't come back?" She said.

I smirked, then placed my hand on her shoulder.

"We will. I promise". I said reassuringly. 

She nodded her head before she turned to mount Magar.

"I'll see you soon!" I shouted to her.

"I know!" She shouted back as Magar took off in the direction of the valley with Tegon and Alio close behind. I then turned to speak to Amy and Tahli, with the four remaining dragons at their backs.

"We're almost there." I said.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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