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      I dove to the side, tackling Amy down with me as I knocked Tahli aside. I looked back down at the endless mob of soldiers now firing up at the sides of the mountains in an effort to kill us as we looked down on them. Several men perched above us fell to the ground below as they were shot and killed, as the few remaining men on horseback made a desperate attempt to escape, though many of them died before retreating into the mountains. I looked around, desperately looking for a way to escape the seemingly impossible situation presented to us. I raised my bow and fired a single arrow into down at the men below before turning to the others.

"Now! We run now!" I screamed.

There were still dozens of men on horseback retreating inwards as we slide down the rock face, Surrie clinging to me like a parasite. We turned and ducked in behind a large slab of rock jutting out from the mountain side as several men stopped in front of us and extended their hands.

"Hop on!" On man shouted.

I reached helped the others get on the four horses that had stopped to rescue us, before climbing on the back of the lead horse, grasping onto its riders back.

"Right! Let's get out of here!" I shouted.

All at once, we joined the fleeing mass of horses and men, screaming in panic as several more collapsed under gun fire, dying helplessly in pools of blood amidst the smoke from the weapons and the ear shattering sounds of war. Jules was hanging on to her horses rider for her life, just as a bullet tore through her, also killing the rider she was clinging to. Lucy and Micheal, who were on the horse next to me on the opposite side screamed out her name as she slumped over and fell to the ground along with the other rider, being left behind as we continued on into the mountains, leaving behind the countless bodies of brave fighting men, who had died fighting for the families they would never see again. As we retreated further, we broke off and headed into the forests that filled the interior of the mountain range, though only after riding for nearly half a day, to an area that seemed rather unsuspecting for a search to be carried out.

"Stop. Stop here." I commanded the rider on my horse.

The three remaining horses stopped, as I dismounted quickly and motioning for the others to do the same. Without protest, they came to my side as I set Surrie down in beside me. Lucy and Micheal put their arms over each others shoulders, holding back tears as the joined Amy and Tahli.

"You have both done well. The loss of your friend is tragic, but she died fighting for a noble cause." I said to the two of them.

"Ma'am, will you be coming with us?" One of the horsemen asked.

I waited a moment, before turning to the endless forest around us, gazing into their darkness before turning back to the horseman.

"The three of them will be going with you, but the four of us will not be." I replied as I moved Surrie over to Lucy and Micheal.

Lucy gave me a puzzled look as Surrie grasped her arm for comfort.


I nodded my head slightly before giving my reply.

"You two are the only ones left from your group. All the others, killed. I see no reason to further endanger your lives, considering what you've both risked for the sake of our people. It would be in your best interest to travel with these gentlemen here, rather than staying with us." I said.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned, and was greeted by Amy gazing at me with a look similar to that of Lucy.

"Jess... What are you doing?" She asked.

I sighed.

"We have some things we need to do, the four of us. Bringing them along will both endanger their lives, and slow us down. It would serve us all well for them to join these men, and perhaps join a larger group for protection. Something the four of us will not be doing. And if nothing else, it would serve the child well to separate from us. While you all go and keep yourselves safe, hidden amongst the trees. We however, will eventually find ourselves in the most dangerous situation that the world has ever seen." I said.

A silence fell over us all for a moment, before I turned and nodded at one of the horsemen. Without a word, he and the others started helping the three survivors of the slave group onto their horses, before remounting themselves.

"It was a pleasure to fight with you. We wish you all the best of luck." The man said.

I nodded my head, before patting the horse on its rear, sending it, along with the others, galloping into the trees, until they were no longer visible, along with Lucy, Micheal, and Surrie. I took in a deep breath as I closed my eyes, before turning back to Amy, Tahli, and Bailey. They all looked at me with uncertainty and confusion in their eyes.

"We've got to find them." I said.

End of book 2

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