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      "What do we do?!" Micha said as she grasped my arm.

I stood there wondering what to do. Though to be honest, I kind of knew there wasn't anything to be done.

"Nothing. We can't do anything. All we can do is wait for them to come back." I said in a flat tone.

Before Micha had the chance to say anything, I turned and headed for the cave to grab my weapons.

"I'm going hunting. Stay here in case the dragons come back." I ordered.

"Okay. I'll be here." Micha said.

I set out into the forest, this time without my 'children' by my side. I felt empty and concerned as I couldn't even begin to think of where on earth they could have gone in such a hurry. Surely not hunting. They always hunt with Micha and I. I wandered for a while, and I had snagged a few small rabbits. I decided to turn back before I got to far, I figured Micha had been worried about me long enough. As I was heading back, I heard a distant screech from somewhere behind me. There was no mistaking that sound. In the distance, I saw all three dragons flying low to the tree tops towards me. As they got closer, I noticed that Doron had something large for his size in his mouth.

Without a second thought I took off towards the cave, and by the time I got there, I saw Veracon and Ragon both resting on the caves overhang the covered the mouth of the cave, but I couldn't see Doron anywhere. As i approached the cave mouth, I heard Doron screech from inside. I walk in to find Doron licking his left wing Knuckle, which was leaking blood.

"Jess! I don't know what happened! He just crashed into the cave screeching, and I thought he dropped something to the ground just before his landing." Micha said.

I approached Doron and examined his injured wing, I noticed a piece of wood sticking out, so I pulled it loose. It was a spear tip. A large, metal spear tip.

"Micha... What did he drop on his way in?" I asked before we both turned and ran out of the cave.

We hurried down to the ground and rounded the corner beside the cave. My eyes widened when I realized what I was looking at. There, lying at my feet, was a mangled body of a soldier, torn up, bloody, skin torn off certain parts, and one leg missing, as well as scorch marks all over.

"Holy shit... there must have been others. Soldiers never travel alone. If we can find them before they get back to whatever village they came from, we can slaughter them before they tell anyone. The dragons must have smelled or heard them and sensed they were dangerous." I said.

We hurried back to the cave.

"You think you can fly?" I said to Doron as though I expected an answer.

"Forget it. They probably got lost chasing a runaway or something. If we can find them we can kill them ourselves." I said.

We grabbed our bows, arrows, swords, knives and a spear. We just ran in the direction from which the dragons flew in from and hoped we would find them, though I knew our chances were slim. Ragon and Veracon kept pace with us above, while Doron rested back at the cave. We followed the two dragons, who were now much to large to fly below the trees, until finally up ahead, I could see the bright flash of sunlight off metal.

I waved the dragons off, and the peeled off in opposite directions. 

"Stay here unless I call for you." I said quietly to Micha.

I counted five soldiers, I target the one in the back of the formation, got within forty feet or so, and shot an arrow, hitting the soldier in the leg. He dropped to the ground screaming in pain. The others turned around in shock, and I threw a spear hitting another, killing him.

"Veracon! Ragon!" I yelled.

within seconds the two dragons had dropped through the trees, knocking several over of them, and the remaining three soldiers dropped to their knees in fear.

"Micha!" I called out as she came running.

"Why are you here?" I demanded to the soldiers as I slit the throat of the one I hit with the arrow.

"W-we were out looking for an escaped convict. Someone said he came running out this way a couple of days ago." He stuttered.

Another soldier spoke up.

"We will come back with an entire battalion and have you hung you whore!" He yelled.

I chuckled a bit, Micha next to me with a big grin on her face.

" Ah yes, well, that's nice and all, except there's one problem. You see them?" I said as I gestured to Veracon and Ragon behind me.

"They didn't appreciate you hurting their brother. Don't worry though, your little toothpick didn't hurt him much." I said sarcastically.

"Boys? Do the honors." I said.

"You will suffer the worst punishment the king can think of". The soldier said.

"I'm sure I will." I said with a wide grin on my face.

"Go ahead you two." I said to the dragons.

Veracon and Ragon Let loose with their flaming breath. I could hear the men screaming, see them struggling, and feel the heat from the dragon flame. When the flames cleared, all that remained was the metal helmets and torso covers. Everything else had been burnt to ash.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Mountain Dragon"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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