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        "Bailey. We're leaving here. We can't stay here any more. Get ready to go." I said as I walked up behind her.

"Where are we going then?" She asked in reply.

"I'm not sure. I just know we aren't staying here." I said.

"Amy, can you stand?" Tahli asked.

"I-I think so." She said as she struggled to stand up.

"Okay. Gather your weapons and supplies, and ready the dragons to go. Now." I ordered.

After every one had strapped their weapons and supplies to their dragons, we got ready to leave. As I sat atop Doron's back, I looked out over the battle field. The once lush riverside field had been reduced to a field of ash, and dead bodies along with destroyed bows and blood. 


Doron took off over the river, in the direction of the mountains. Veracon and Ragon followed, with the rest of the dragons trailing behind them. Magar flew wing tip to wing tip with Doron as we flew high above the ground, just below the clouds in the direction of the mountains. 

"Do you have any idea where we're going?"Jonah asked.

"Not yet. But keep your eyes open." I said in reply.

We flew for several hours, before we finally reached the edge of the forest. Up ahead was the volcano, but I didn't want to risk returning to it considering we had lost most of our army there. We continued deep into the forest, scanning the forest floor for a place to stay.

"Look there!" Jonah said while pointing off to the left as the sun started to go down.

I turned to the left and saw a huge valley with mountains lining it way off in the distance. That would be the perfect place to go for the time being. Doron banked towards the valley and led the others down towards the valley. As we flew over head, I spotted several small rivers, along with wide open spaces for us to land. We circled around over head until I saw a spot large enough for all the dragons to land.

"Down!" I commanded.

Doron set down, along with Magar next to him. I dismounted, and took a deep breath of fresh air in what appeared to be our new home. Birds chirping and flying around over head, and even a water fall off in the distance.

"This is beautiful." Bailey said as she came to my side. 

Magar went and joined the other young-lings as Veracon and Ragon set down next to Doron.

"Well this was a lucky find." Amy said as she walked up to me with a heavy limp.

"Sure was. Now let's hope no one finds it." I replied.

"Yeah. No kidding. Let's build a fire for the night." Tahli said.

Just then, Veracon and Ragon took off and started circling around over head, chirping and clicking at each other as they circled around.

"What are they doing?" Amy asked.

"They're enjoying themselves. Let them." I replied.

We gathered sticks and branches, along with some rocks to build our selves a fire as the sun vanished behind the mountains. The air went from warm to spin tingling cool as a breeze whipped through the valley. Magar started the fire for us as the last of the suns light was replaced by the night. 

"Thanks for saving us today." I said to Bailey.

She turned and smiled at me.

"You're welcome." She replied.

She rested her head on my shoulder and slowly fell asleep. I could feel her heart beat through my shoulder. Magar settled down behind us and set her head down beside Bailey, before she too fell asleep. The stars were bright, only blocked out by the mountains and the valley walls. The sound of the water fall was soothing, and made staying awake more difficult than it already was. I could feel the long, cool grass between my fingers as I ran my hand through the grass.

"I really hope this all works out." Jonah said.

"Yeah. So do I. Because if it doesn't, we could all die." I replied. 

I looked up at the sky once again as my eyes started to get heavy. I could feel the energy draining from my body as I started to fall asleep. But I still had the energy to say once last thing before passing out.

"Good night Micha, good night mom, good night dad."

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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