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      I glanced over at Amy as she paused. I climbed back down to the ground and walked over to Bailey, with Amy beside me.

"Why would you want to come with us?" I asked bluntly.

She looked down briefly, before looking back up at me with wide eyes.

"Because I don't feel safe, here. I saw my parents die, and you're the person who is fighting the people that did it. I've always thought dragons were really awesome, I never thought i'd see one in real life. I don't want to stay here and do nothing for the rest of my life." She said firmly.

I raised an eyebrow to Amy, before we turned around and began whispering to each other.

"Jess, it's your call."

"I don't know. I don't want to just leave her with no real family, but she's only ten. She'd get herself killed in a second if left alone, and she can't fight. She's hardly taller than my bow." I said.

"She doesn't have to fight. Come on, she can just ride with one of us." Amy said in protest.

I pondered for a moment, unsure of whether to tell Bailey she couldn't come, or give in and allow her to come with us.

"If she comes with us, what do we do with her during the fighting?" I questioned.

"Just like I said. She rides with one of us." Amy said.

"Amy.... You have a much bigger heart than I do. Probably because you aren't carrying the burden of leading countless souls to fight a formidable enemy, and most of them, to their deaths. Put yourself in my spot, then tell me this ten year old is worth taking along. I care for you like I did my younger sister, but I can't have additional stresses on top of our current situation." I said in a whisper.

Amy narrowed her eyes, before putting her mouth up to my ear.

"If I were in charge, I wouldn't leave a helpless ten year old to live a lonely, pointless life, when she has asked me for protection and love." She said.

I said nothing for a moment, somewhat surprised at what Amy had said. I locked eyes with Amy for several seconds as she nodded her head silently. I turned around to look at Bailey, who was still waiting patiently for my response. I sighed, before turning fully around and walking up to her.

"If you come with us, what can we do with you?" I asked.

"Teach me to do things, i'll learn how to do anything you tell me. I wont get in your way. If I don't do anything else, i'll keep you company." She said.

I sighed, while contemplating what the young girl had just said. I couldn't help but think of myself along with Micha when we were kids. I didn't have it in me to deny this child love, and protection, even though I knew she would be in danger either way.

"Fine. You can come with us. You do as I say, when I say. You stay out of our way, and should we need to fight, you stay right with either Amy, Tahli, or myself. Are we clear?" I said firmly.

"Yes ma'am." She said hesitantly.

"Good. You ride with me. You don't let go of the dragon, or you'll fall to your early death. Do you understand"? I said while raising my eyebrows.

"I wont fall off. I promise." Bailey said.

I turned to Amy, and nodded my head. She mounted Veracon, with her bow around her neck, and gave me a nod back.

"Alright. Let's go." I said.

I turned and started up Doron's wing, with Bailey clinging to my arm. We finally got to Doron's back.

"Hang on to his quills. They are your lifeline while in the air. Never let go." I said.

She nodded silently. I turned to face forward, with Veracon off to Doron's side.


Doron took to the air, with Veracon close behind. I had been awake for an absurd amount of time, my eyes heavy, my body weak, my hands struggling to hang on. I could see the faint light of the sun on the horizon. It would almost certainly be up by the time we arrived back. I had already adopted one orphan girl, and she seemed to have turned herself into a useless individual. With any luck, Bailey would as well, I just hoped her age wouldn't get the better of her.

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