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      The next morning, as the sun began to rise, the three of us woke up and started to gather weapons. Spears, swords, arrows and daggers. The three dragons, still asleep outside at the bas of the cave. I led the way down as the sun continued to rise, slowly carpeting the forest in light. I Approached Doron and whispered to him softly.

"Wake up, Wake up."

Doron slowly opened his eyes, and when he realized I was standing in front of him, he snapped his head up to attention. Tahli and Micha woke Veracon and Ragon, and started strapping weapons to their sides to allow us to carry more. I Climbed atop Doron, My bow around my neck, the arrows hanging from Dorons side.

"Right. Let's do this." I said as I turned to see Micha and Tahli.

We took off towards the river to the south. We ascended to just below the clouds in an attempt to avoid being spotted. We flew for a while, until the sun had risen just above the horizon, until we spotted the river up head.

"Stay high, we fly up the river and back until we spot them." I called out.

We flew up the river, and back to where it connects to a small lake several times. I assumed they would be dumping bodies near the lake so the current would carry them out, rather than clog up the river with bodies. We circled around for a while, before off in the distance, I saw the horses pulling the carts with bodies, being escorted by what looked like roughly two-hundred soldiers. More than I had anticipated, but still not to much for us to handle.

"Stay high, let them reach the rivers edge before we attack! We can corner them!" I yelled to Micha and Tahli.

We flew into the clouds to avoid detection, and circled around for several minutes, until I was sure they had reached the rivers edge.

"Now! Dive!" I commanded.

All three of us dove through the clouds to see the massive group of soldiers pressed up against the edge of the river. Doron let out a deafening roar, which brought the soldiers attention to us. 

"Fire!" I commanded Doron.

Doron strafed the group of soldiers with fire, burning a straight line right through the group. Micha and Veracon followed close behind me, roasting another large group of soldiers. Tahli flew over top of me towards the remaining soldiers, and Ragon let loose with his own stream of fire. We formed back up and circled around over head.

"Keep it going! Micha, you take out the ones fleeing , Tahli you stick with me." I commanded.

Micha flew off to the side to slaughter the cowardly soldiers attempting to flee, Tahli and I flew straight at the remaining soldiers. As we neared, arrows started to fly right at us. Doron and Ragon twisted and turned to avoid getting hit with arrows, before we got close enough to Finish them off with fire. Veracon Ragon flew over head, while Doron landed and finished them off at close quarters. 

I dismounted Doron and looked over the scene. Fire and smoke all over, dead men and horses blanketed the ground along the river bank. Ragon landed beside Doron, and Tahli dismounted him and came to my side.

"So... now what?" She asked just as Veracon landed and Micha came to my side.

"We check them all, kill any survivors." I said in a flat tone.

We walked back to our dragons, and retrieved swords from the stash of weapons strapped to their sides. We slit up, inspecting each body, looking for signs of life. I came across a soldier who was badly burned, but was far from being in good shape. I raised my sword, and swiftly whipped it across his throat, slicing it open. I continued throughout the mass of burned bodies, putting down the few survivors I came across. I met back up with Micha and Tahli, having put down several others themselves. We turned and walked back towards the dragons, strapped the weapons back to their sides. We mounted, turned and took to the air, back in the direction of the cave. 

After years of waiting, dragons had finally proved their superiority  over even the most well equipped men, now they only had to prove it a thousand more times, to serve justice to the people who lost their freedom over a century ago....

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Mountain Dragon"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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