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      We flew for hours. By now it was well into the night. The survivors from the village attacks were peering over the sides of the dragons, looking down at the endless sea of trees below. I looked back at them looking around. I turned to wave down Amy. She tilted her head up in question. I pointed up, to indicate for her to ascend above the clouds. She nodded her head in agreement before going up above the clouds.

"Doron, up." I said softly.

Doron pitched up towards the clouds close behind Veracon. I could hear the people gasping in aw as we broke through the clouds, and into an endless void of seemingly nearby stars. Veracon flew wing tip to wing tip with Doron as the glided through the clear sky, with the clouds below. The stars were nothing new to me, but the people we had rescued had probably never had a view of the stars with nothing on the horizon, and a blanket of clouds below. I must admit, even after doing it countless times, it was still something that took my breath away every time.

"It's beautiful up hear." One young girl said.

I turned back to look at her.

"Yes. Sometimes I wish I had the freedom to fly off when ever I felt like it. Being a dragon is something that you will never understand. Even after riding one."  I said.

The young girl gave me a smile, before I realized that she was alone. I didn't think much of it however. Most of the villagers had died in the attack, and I figured her mother had been one of them. Her father was likely a warrior in our army. 

Just then, I felt the urge to turn to my right. I looked over to see Amy waving at me, pointing down. I suddenly remembered that we weren't far from the village we were flying to.


Doron pitched down gradually, to avoid causing anyone to fall off. We dropped below the clouds, and were greeted with the sights of light in the distance from the village up ahead. We arrived not long after descending below the clouds, and landed at the villages edge. We were soon greeted by the villagers.

"Look! It's a dragon! I never thought I'd see one in real life!" One young boy said while pointing at Veracon and Doron.

"Ar-Are you Jessica Albo?" His mother asked.

"Yes, yes I am. I apologize for the disturbance, but I come to you begging for you to accept the people I bring you. Their villages were attack by a small group of soldiers, in an effort to scare myself, along with my army into submission. Most of them were killed, but the survivors needed a new home. I came here in the hopes that you all would be willing to adopt these unfortunate souls into your homes, and mark my words, one day, the king will be brought to his knees, all those he has killed, avenged." I said.

The villagers looked around at each other for a moment, before slowly they all began to nod their heads in agreement. Many of them came forward to help people climb down off the backs of the dragons. I watched and waited until everyone had been brought back to the ground, with Amy standing next to me doing the same. I took notice of a young girl who had stepped to the side, and was standing eye to eye with both dragons as they looked down at her. It was the same girl I had talked to briefly while we were flying.

"They like you." I said as I walked down behind her.

She turned around with a big smile on her face, instead of the fear I expected to see.

"I like them too!" She said in a cheery voice.

"What's your name hun?" I asked.

"Bailey." She replied.

"And how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm ten." She said as Doron grunted.

"Ten? Most ten year old kids wouldn't be so brave in the face of a dragon." I said jokingly.

"Well, not me!" She said with a big smile on her face.

"What happened to your parents?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"They died when all the military guys attacked us." She said as a frown grew across her face.

I put my hand on her shoulder as I knelt in front of her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to protect them. But don't worry. I'll get payback." I said.

I could see tears welling up in her eyes. I hugged her tight as Amy came walking up behind me.

"Who's this?" Amy asked

Bailey walked around me to meet Amy.

"I'm Bailey. Which one is yours?" She asked while gesturing to the dragons.

Amy chuckled.

"The smaller one. His name is Veracon."  Amy replied.

"The light colored one?" Bailey asked.

"Yes, bright like the sun. Doron is black like the night sky, and Ragon is green, just like the forest." I cut in.

"Ragon? Where is he?" Bailey asked.

"He's back with our men. Tahli rides him. She's a close friend of mine, and I've left her in charge until I return." I said.

"Oh okay. That sounds cool!" Bailey said enthusiastically.

"Yes, well, you best be off now. You've got to find yourself a place to stay." I said as I turned to mount Doron.

"Wait!" Bailey shouted as I climbed Doron's wing.

Both Amy and I turned around to see Bailey still looking up the dragons as we climbed their wings.

"Can I come with you?"

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