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      We woke the next morning, and didn't waist a minute. We ate breakfast, mounted our dragons, and took off into the sky. We flew for hours, practicing diving, formation flying, Twisting, turning, and just having fun with our dragons like we never have with anything else before. The dragons looked like monsters, giant, scaled beasts with claws the size of swords and teeth, that of daggers. Yet, when they were with us, they were just like young children with their parents.

We landed later that after noon, and decided to go out hunting. We stayed on the ground while the dragons, now to large to fly below the tree tops, flew above, looking for targets.

As we were walking, Tahli tapped me on the shoulder.

"Jess, didn't you ask one of the guards at the prison if they knew of any military groups that would be on their own?" She asked in a whisper as we crept along the forest floor.

"I did. He said that a group of soldiers will be heading south towards the river to dump dead bodies of executed prisoners, tomorrow." I said.

"Why did you ask?" Asked Tahli.

"Because we are going to go and take them out. It wont be a big enough group to be a threat to us, and we could probably kill them all before they have a chance to attack us back. Even Veracon and Ragon will be able to fight." I said.

Micha turned and looked at me as I said this.

"Wait what?? We're going tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yes. I wasn't going to say anything until we got back, but yes. Those groups are never more than one-hundred soldiers or so. Easy for us to take out." I said.

Just then, up ahead, Ragon crashed through the trees and took down a deer with minimal effort. Doron and Veracon were nowhere to be seen, probably off hunting their own prey. Ragon took off back towards the cave with his prize, now it was our turn. We wandered for a bit, before I spotted a pair of foxes up ahead.

"Shhh look there." I said in a whisper as I pointed to the foxes.

Tahli drew the spare Bow I had given her, along with an arrow. I did the same, and we fired our arrows at the same time. One fox was hit in the chest and killed instantly, the other was hit in the leg and began shrieking in pain. Micha ran to the injured fox, and stabbed it in the chest, putting it out of its misery.

We arrived back at the cave with the fresh meat, the dragons had already returned with a few deer they had killed. I started cleaning the foxes, while Veracon gave us a flame to cook with. As we cooked the fox meat, and started eating, there was an uneasy sense of nerve running between the three of us.

"Are you sure it's going to be safe?" Micha asked.

"Of course not. It's a fight. It's never safe. But it't not going to be a big group, we can take most of them out before they know whats happening if we strike fast enough. We just have to be careful." I said as I stuffed my mouth with fox leg.

They both looked at me like I had lost my mind.

"Every soldier we kill now, is one less we have to kill later, and one less that will be trying to kill us later." I said.

"Any idea when we are supposed to try and catch them"? Asked Tahli.

"Not sure, probably around midday since they'll have to take the morning to load up the bodies and travel to the river. But just to be safe, we'll leave at first light." I said.

We were nervous, excited, and a whole other mix of emotions I can't describe. For years, I had planned to use these dragons to serve justice for our people. Now, I just hoped I wouldn't regret it.

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