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     2 Weeks Later

The mountains seemed endless. Our stomachs had been empty for days, our muscles weak and our eyes heavy. Our hands struggled to keep us from falling to our deaths below as Magar's powerful wings flapped repeatedly. We had taken off earlier that morning, after having gotten little sleep due to a light rain storm. May flew just off to the left of us, constantly flapping her wings to keep up with Magar. While the four of us were beyond tired, the two of them seemed to be full of energy and never seeming to slow down. 

"Hey, keep your head up. Don't want you falling." I said as I prodded Amy from behind.

She shook her head a couple of times, blinking wildly in attempt to wake herself up.

"Sorry... The rain kept me up last night." She said before letting out a yawn.

I chuckled.

"Yeah, me too."

I scanned the landscape around us. The mountains looked just the same as they did every other time before. But as I scanned back again, up ahead I noticed an absence of mountain peeks. I squinted and leaned forward in a vain attempt to figure out what I was looking at. But, as we got closer, I realised that the edge of the mountain range had finally come into view.

"You see it?!" Bailey exclaimed as she looked over her shoulder.

"I sure do!" Amy said.

"Great. Time do die." Tahli said under her breath.

"Oh please. It's not like we're going to run into them the second we get there." I replied.

Tahli scoffed. But I was much more captured by my heartbeat growing faster by the second, anticipating the hell that would greet us shortly. 

"Down, stay low." Bailey said to Magar as we neared the edge.

Magar and May dropped down to below the mountain tops, weaving between them silently, in case there were people waiting for us beyond the mountains.

"Here we go." I said.

Amy clenched my hand in hers as we went around a final bend. Magar gave one final flap of her wings, and then, we were faced with a wide open field, with no signs of anything in any direction.

"Down!" Bailey commanded.

Magar landed with a mighty thud, with May landing in front of her, looking around curiously.

"So... There's nothing here. Now what?" Amy asked.

I gave her a sarcastic look.

"Obviously we go and kill as many of them as we can." I replied.

"How do you plan to track them down then?" Amy asked defiantly.

"She'll be able to track them down." Bailey said while gesturing to Magar.

I thought for a moment, unsure of if I wanted to follow through with our plan, knowing it would likely result in our death. But, having come all that way, and knowing what the alternative was, I decided that we would keep going.

"Right then. Let's go." I ordered.

Bailey nodded, before instructing Magar to take to the air once again. As we flew away from the mountains, I looked back at them one last time. I took in there beauty, knowing it would likely be the last time i'd ever see them.

"Alright Magar, find them." I shouted.

5 hours later

We had flown aimlessly for most of the day, not coming across anything. I was starting to grow impatient with the lack of combat, when suddenly, Magar snapped her head to the right, snarling. She banked to the right, clearly fixed on something, with May close behind.

"She's got something!" Bailey shouted.

"It's about time!" Amy exclaimed. 

Magar cawed at May as she flew along side her. May chirped back at her briefly, before banking away and flying up into the clouds.

"Where's she going?" Amy asked.

"Away from the fight." Bailey replied.

"Look!" I shouted as I pointed ahead.

Up ahead, was a mass of tents set up in the open on the edge of a river, with dozens of people wandering around.

Bailey turned around and locked eyes with me. I gave her a silent nod, followed by a faint grin.

"It was a pleasure knowing you all." I said.

Hey Everyone!

If you're enjoying this story, be sure to check out my new story "The Dragon's Bond"! It can be found on my profile page and is still in progress, updates are daily or bi-daily on average.


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