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    I clenched my bow in my hand as I drew my arrow, doing my best to keep my balance. Magar banked to the right and started dropping towards the ground. As we approached, the sound of guns going off attacked my ears, but none of the larger weapons that had brought down several dragons in the past. We hunched down to avoid the volley of bullets flying at us as they bounced off of Magar's thick scales.

"Let 'em have it Magar!" Bailey shouted with her face facing down.

Magar reared her head back, before letting a deadly stream of flame fall upon our enemies  before pitching up and rolling over, diving on them again. She spat fire down on them again, filling the air with smoke, and the sound of men burning alive as we flew over head.

"Again! Hit them again!" I screamed as I clung to Magar's scales.

Magar again dove down on what remained of them as they began to scatter in different directions. She swayed her massive head back and forth in an attempt to get as many of the scattering men as she could, but they had spread out far enough that she couldn't get them all in one last pass. She turned once more and started randomly blasting the ground with flame in the hopes of making as many kills as she could. I pulled back and arrow and released it, following it with my eyes until it struck a soldier running opposite of us.

"If any of them get away, they'll give us away!" I shouted.

"I know! We're doing our best if you couldn't tell!" Tahli shouted in reply as she shot one of her arrows.

Magar suddenly turned and flew out away from the river, until she was further out until than the surviving men had gotten thus far. She flew parallel to the river, laying down a wall of fire that lead back to the river on both sides, blocking the few survivors into a box of flame. Easy pickings for us.

"That was smart. Now let's finish them off." Bailey said as she stroked the back of Magar's enormous neck.

Magar flew down the center of her makeshift prison, spraying fire back and forth as the four of us let arrows rain down on the few who had managed to avoid Magar's lethal breath. After another moment, the entire edge of the river had gone up in flames, and the sky with smoke. We flew around over head for a short while, listening to the screams of men who had no hope of escaping the flames. I noticed a few men who had gotten through the fire, with arrows sticking out from their backs as the fell to the ground in flames, rolling around trying to save themselves. 


Magar circled once more before setting down just outside the slowly dying wall of flame. As we dismounted, the screams of men slowly continued to die off, until all that remained was the crackling of the flames. 

"Nicely done." I exclaimed.

"So... Now what?" Amy asked.

"Well, we collect as many arrows as we can, and then we go and do the same thing again." Tahli replied.

Bailey grunted before setting off amongst the dozens of dead bodies that lay outside the wall of flame. There weren't many that had been hit by arrows, and the few that were seemed to have fallen to the burns, rather than the arrows. Regardless, we salvaged what we could before joining back up with each other. It seemed as though Magar was disturbed by something. She was looking up towards the clouds, cawing. Before long, May came diving through the clouds and quickly came to Magar's side. But Magar still seemed disturbed as she looked down at us. I could see the urgency in her eyes.

"Come on. Let's go." Bailey said nervously.

The four of us mounted Magar, and before Bailey even had the chance to give a command, Magar leapt into the air, with May close behind.

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