Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Brynne's POV

Montana 1967

Her hard scaly hand swiped across my face sending me flying to the floor. "You know what mom. I'm tired of your drinking. You were the perfect mom until grandpa killed grandma. I know I was hurt too but you took this out of hand. You weren't even......" I was cut off by her pulling me up and slamming me against the shelf with pictures of our family. I am an only child. My dad worked a normal job and was tired of my mother. Just in time my father showed up behind my mother with steam basically coming out of his ears. He yanked her off of me and screamed. "Are you crazy? This is our daughter. Not your punching bag to take anger out on" he sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Get out" he whispered "w-what" she slurred. "I said GET OUT!" She just sat there and crossed her arms. "Are you five. Quit that and leave!" I shouted. "Brynne stay out of this and go pack your room. We are leaving" with that I ran up stairs to pack my room. "Where am I going?" I cried.

Tulsa 1967

Brianna's POV

I softly laid my head on Steve's shoulders. We just got back from the park. We were playing soccer well we were just passing until Twobit decided it would be funny to kick it in the forest. I made Steve carry me home. I was so upset because today we got varsity volleyball try outs back and I didn't make the team because of my record. I doubt it. It's just because I'm a greaser. This is the second year volleyball has been at Tulsa high and I loved it last year. That leaves me on JV so yeah I was upset. I'll be stuck with all the 9th and 10th graders. My eyes were half open when Steve smiled. "What are you grinning about?" I giggled. "Your eyes are just so gorgeous." That made me smile too. "Am I bringing out a soft Steve Randle?" He laid me down on the couch. "You better not be" And with that he started kissing me. I kissed back!

Tulsa 1967

Cori's POV

It was a warm Friday afternoon. I was just strolling down the street with my back pack slung around my shoulder. I was walking to the dingo. I work there every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Let's just say. I can't wait to get out if that hell hole and out to the real world. I was in sight of the dingo when my boss came running out calling my name. "CORI! CORI GET OVER HERE" he was practically melting with anger. "Yes?" I smirked "you're 10 minutes late, again. Care to explain?" He yelled while tapping his foot. "I'm a senior in high school what do you expect?" He just pointed to the door waiting for me to go in. I stomped right through the door and to the back room where I took out my extra uniform out of my back pack and put it on. I hurriedly walked back out. "Oh shit it's a Friday afternoon isn't it?" I said to Sandra, on of the other waitresses. She nodded and gulped as we both made our way to the juggle of wild middle aged waiting drunk men

Okay! so this is my new fanfiction! Please leave feedback! I post this story on Instagram too and it is up before it will be up on here! So enjoy!

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