Chapter 43

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Sophie's POV

I leave today at 9pm. The gang thinks I leave tomorrow at 11am. I could take it anymore, I was supposed to leave tomorrow at 11 but everyone's been fighting, Dallas is hooking up with a different girl. It's making me a mess. I didn't sleep a wink last night, which isn't any different. Everyone was parting ways. Literally almost everyone was fighting with each other except for Lexa and Johnny and Cori and Twobit. Lexa hardly ever speaks any more, I mean she was a quiet person but never that quiet. Cori had a weird limp ever since the socs jumped us. Twobit used his last but if seriousness to try to get her to get it looked at but she refused to be in a doctors office. Dally waved to me and started towards buck. Darry and pony stayed to see Brynne and Beth. She gets out in two weeks which is exciting. I trudged home avoiding every car I saw, even non socs. I've come this far. I will not be injured when I go to New York. Tears prickled in my eyes as I walked past the lot and the park. They poured out if my face when I saw the Curtis house. Sure three months isn't a long time but they sometimes ask you to stay longer. I arrived at my own home. My grandparents were watching their shows. "You ready sweet heart?" my grandma asked turning off the tv. "Yep let me just grab my bags" I felt a boost of excitement when I saw my empty room. This is really happening. I'm actually leaving this Horrid place. The ride was silent as I expected it too because I never came home to my grandparents I spent so much time with dally. We drove by a lot of the gang who were mostly walking alone. First I saw Brianna. Her face was so perfect. He hand was on her stomach and she was crying. A few blocks over I spotted Cori in Twobits arms. He looked at her with promising eyes, he better take care if that girl. Next street over I caught a glimpse if Emma taking a swig of a flask and inhaling some smoke. She's so much better than that. I hope she realizes it soon. We arrived at the air port. They dropped me off and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Have fun be safe" my grandma cried. My grandfather and I were never too close but he pulled me in a hug. "Good luck sweet heart" I waved and went through security. I was on the plane as it took off I waved goodbye to Tulsa itself. This better be worth it.


Hopefully some dally feels.

WARNING: next few chapters will be depressing :( I'm not too excited about that but I'm opening up everyone's story line again for the sequel.

Xoxo stay gold

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