Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*3 months later*

January 1968

Beth's POV

It's been about 3 months and 3 weeks since we found out about the babies and it's wonderful knowing I have a little human being inside of me. I was bigger than I would of thought I would be smaller since I'm basically four months. So just wore some bigger clothes so the gang didn't notice. I was starting to get looks from some of the members because I've gotten a little bigger. My feet already killed and I had terrible morning sickness. But today was a good day because we can finally see the baby better and see how it has developed. Darry and I walked hand in hand in to the doctors office he told me to take a seat when he signed me in. "You're all good" he said and sat down next to me. We were looking at parenting magazines when our name was called. "Curtis?" The doctor said looking down at his clip board. Darry helped me stand and guided me towards the door. "Let's take your weight" the doc said and motioned for me to stand. He wrote down the number which was 130 lbs. he questioned that and double checked. It was still 130 lbs. Go ahead to the ultra sound room. He came back in and put the cold blue jelly stuff on my stomach and showed us the monitor. "well as you can see you can faintly hear two heartbeats" Darry's and my jar dropped. "Twins?" He said. "Yes, two little babies" he motioned to the first head than the second. "That's so wonderful" I said and a tear escaped my eyes. "When do we find out the gender?" Darry asked. "Well about two months, see you soon" the doctor said and walked out. "Well he was pleasant" I commented and looked at my growing tummy. "It's great Beth" he hugged me and helped me into my clothes. "So we are telling the gang tonight after the nightly double right?" I asked again. "Yeah but you gotta wear a nice warm jacket because you don't wanna get sick" he warned protectively over our children.

Ponyboys POV

Dallas, Johnny, and I were walking back home from the jewelry store. I had a neckless made for Brynne. I was going to ask her out tonight after the movies. It took me all winter to shovel snow to save up, but it was totally worth it, I love her. "So pony, you really like Brynne don't cha?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, she's super sweet and kind and speaks her mind. I feel so bad about Brice though. I've even seen him starring through his car before but if we call the fuzz on him for stalking Brynne they'll take her to a girls home, and I can't live without her" I explained "that's cool man, I don't know what i would do without Lexa but I'm worried she's been so quiet lately" Johnny said. Dallas chuckled. "You think that's funny dal?" Johnny asked. "You are just realizing how quiet she is, man?" He joked. "That's why I like her" Johnny stood up for Lexa. Dallas just lit another cigarette. We were arriving home so I stuffed the box into my jacket so no one saw. Everyone knew I was asking Brynne out tonight so they all smiled when we walked in. I just blushed. Darry honked from the car outside so we all grabbed a jacket and left. I waited for Brynne to come out of the bathroom. She had on a red plaid jacket and jeans. "You look good" I complemented her. "Thanks" she said and grabbed my hand. We both got into Twobits car and held on for our lives.

Brynne's POV

Pony and I have gotten so close, just thinking how lucky I am that I was getting jumped by socs when they came along to save me. It was mind blowing that I might be dead if it wasn't for them.we arrived at the drive in and just decided to stay in the cars because it was just bitter cold out. We were half way into the movie when I really had to go to the bathroom. I released out of Ponyboys hand and told him I was going to the bathroom. "Want me to come?" He asked protectively. "I mean if you want to you can" I offered. I got out of the car and walked by Darry's. I stopped when the window rolled down. "Are you going to the bathroom?" Beth asked from all the way In other car. I nodded. "I'm coming I've been holding it for about a half an hour" she laughed and climbed over Darry, Clare did the same. I grabbed the little kid and walked to the bathroom. Clare tugged on Beth's sleeve and pointed to the same stall as her. Beth sighed playfully and went with her. I finished before them and told Beth I was gonna wait outside. I opened the door and met faces with Brice. "Oh hey honey, how's your trip been?" He asked and traced his knife down my neck. My turned around hoping Beth would come out any second luckily she did. Clare screamed when she saw the blood on my neck. Beth looked the way Clare was pointing and charged for Brice. I tried to stop her, she shouldn't get hurt, I brought him here. He took the knife out of his pocket and went for Clare. Beth shoved her back and got stabbed in the stomach. She let out a cry. Her face was pale with shock. She grasped her wound and stayed quiet. Her mouth was moving but no words came out. I tried to run but Brice had his arm around me so the knife wouldn't show that was against my stomach. I turned around and saw Clare running towards Darry's car. Brice spun me around. Tears were pouring down my face. "Hey babe, it's okay it's only us now" he rubbed my arm. I slapped him away. "You'll regret that." He whispered to get my attention when he slapped my head with a beer bottle. Everything went black before I knew it.



😰😰😰😰 omg. What's gonna happen to Beth's babies? what's Brynne gonna do? I'll update tomorrow once I get home from the fair 😄 please leave feedback. And if you write your own story can someone please give this story a shout out or something? if you don't want to you don't have to. 😄 t

Stay gold

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