Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Cori's POV

Well it's a Sunday night and I'm at a bar. I've got school tomorrow and I'm dreading on going. Twobit and I watched from the door and saw Brianna get in a fight with a waitress that I had no Idea who she was. "Well this will be awhile, wanna drink?" Twobit asked. "Nah, we got school tomorrow" I stated. "Doesn't mean we have to go" he cracked up laughing and headed to bar area. On the other hand I needed to use the restroom so that's where I was headed. I walked in to a room full of smoke and bitches gossiping. They stared me up and down and whispered to each other. I walked to the stall when the girl with the black leather pants tripped me. I just pulled her down and punched her square in the nose. I got up brushed my self off. When my hand was on the door I turned around with a sweet smile on. "You're so fake, barbies jealous" I waved and she flicked me off. I spotted Twobit leaning over the counter kissing a beach blonde. I've had it, I don't give signals but this is ridiculous. I marched towards the door when Steve came up to me "he only dates blondes" I just kept walking pretending I didn't hear him but I was actually deciding. I ran to the nearest drug store and stole the first bottle of peroxide I could find. I jogged to the closest public restroom and bent over the sink. "Let's see how he likes me now" I said before I poured the bleach onto my hair.

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