Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Brynne's POV

Darry just pulled up with Sophie and I knew she was gonna get the third degree from Beth. Beth seemed like a mom trying to protect her children from danger. The door was opened by big old Darry and Sophie was following trying to make herself as small as possible. "Were you crazy? You passed out last night and thought it was okay to dance. You probably didn't get much sleep either." Beth reprimanded. "Cool it, I'm trying to work hard. You know what actually so everyone knows. I've been offered a spot at a dance school in New York. So I have a lot of pressure" Sophie yelled and stormed off to Ponyboys room. Little did she know he was I their. I heard a yelp then feet coming. "Geez what did you guys do to her?" Pony asked with a shirt in his hand. "Nothing, she just pushes herself too hard that's all." Darry stated then out his arm around Beth. "Guys we are heading to the DX. Boss wants us to fix the register" Sodapop said and Steve and him ran out of the door suspiciously. Brianna was half sitting up to give Steve a hug. But he was already gone. It was around noon so Ponyboy and I left for our movie. We just talked about movies and books. He seemed really interested in my writing. "I still can't get over that song you wrote. I don't even know the melody." He hinted wanting me to sing it to him. "You'll hear it when it's on the radio and every kid listens too it!" I screamed and threw my hands in the air. "You're crazy Brynne" pony said "what having a dream is a bad thing?" I asked. "No but greasers never get big breaks" he put his head down. "In 10 years we won't be greasers. We've got bright futures pony" he smiled. "You look at the world so different. I love it." He hugged me. I was surprised at first but hugged back. He pulled away and brought his face closer to mine, I think he was going to kiss me. Then a car honked. A rusty blue car pulled up. "It's my dad" I grabbed Ponyboys hand and walked towards him. "Get you'd hands off of your boy toy and get In the car" he instructed.

"No" I stomped my foot. "I said let's go" he staggered over to me and pushed me on the ground. "Excuse me but leave her alone she doesn't want to live with you anymore" ponyboy stood up for me. "Find but when you're pregnant don't come crying to me" my father screamed and slammed his car door. "Are you okay" ponyboy extended his hand out. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm used to it. Now let's go we will be late for the movie." I said and brushed myself off.

Brianna's POV

8:00 pm

"Hey Emma? Emma? Emma?" I kept poking her trying to get her to wake up. "What Brianna?" Emma said and rubbed her eyes. "Steve and Sodapop just left. I think they might be hiding something from us. How do you feel? Good enough to go out?" I shot at her. "I'm well enough to help you. Let me just clean myself up." Emma said and high fived me. She pranced back out in skinny jeans, a black shirt, with a Jean jacket and black converse on her feet. Her hair was in a high bun and she had black eyeliner on with mascara. "Damn you clean up well" I nodded in approval. "Let's invite the Cori. I feel bad. I haven't gotten to talk to her." Emma pleaded. "Fine. What about Lexa?" I asked. "She won't want to come she has johnny. And she was just beat up this morning. And Sophie is tired I bet." Emma shooed them off. "Hey Cori, come with us?" I said when I walked into the living room. I tossed her a jacket. "Where do you think you're going?" Beth asked. "We are going to soda and Steve. I feel so much better" Emma said and put Beth's hand on her forehead. "Fine but be safe. Twobit go with" Beth replied. "What can't this just be a girls night out." I said dramatically. "No" Beth stated. "Fine, Twobit Cori Emma let's go" I marched out of the door. It was pretty dark out and only street light illuminated the streets. Trees jutted every witch way. Emma had her arms crossed trying to give herself heat Twobit noticed and put his arm around her. "So where we headed?" Twobit questioned. "To find my boyfriend. I think he's hiding something." I spat. "Alright, you're becoming pretty sassy bri" Emma smiled. "I know" with that I kept strutting. A car had to slam on their breaks while I passed. They were cussing us out but I just flicked them off. We arrived at a bar just across the street. I walked in with a wave of the smell of beer crashing over me. In the corner I spotted them and I almost couldn't believe what I saw.

Sodapops POV

Steve and I finished at the DX and decided awhile ago we needed a night out just friends and no girls. "Two beers" I ordered. "Each" Steve added. "Fine, four beers" I gave in. "Okay here you go" the waitress gave us our drinks. We headed off to the corner. Not a lot of girls were here but the first one I spotted right when we sat down was Evie. She was working here and sluting it up with the middle aged men. "Steve man look" I pointed towards her. Right them she saw us. She bounced over to us. "Hello boys" she put her elbows on the table to make her boobs look bigger and right in our face. "E-Evie no. I have a girlfriend." Steve said and scooted away from her. "Well I don't see her here" Evie smiled and sat on his lap. "No Steve not again don't you remember how she cheated on you" I reminded him. "But I can't push a girl off man" Steve said simply. "Okay but if--" I was cut off by Evie being slapped in the face by Brianna. "Bitch!" Evie screamed and tackled Brianna. Punches and slaps and clawing was being exchanged. "Brianna stop" Emma yelled. "Emma what are you doing here, you're still sick" I grabbed Emma so she wouldn't fall into the fight. "I'm fine, I'll survive. Now shouldn't-" she stopped and saw Brianna with red marks on her face and scratches all over her body. "Brianna, let me help you up" Emma said and held out a hand for her. Steve just stood their smiling but with a regret in his eyes. "What the hell" Brianna yelled. "Nothing happened." Steve shot back. "Well then why was that slut sitting on your lap. "I don't know. She sat down right when you got here" he replied. "What about the DX. I guess that was a lie too?" Brianna asked while whipping tears away. "No honey, we needed some guy time. You know?" Steve rubbed her arm. She shook him off. "I can never trust you again" she cried and walked off with Emma, meeting up with Cori and Twobit at the door. "Man what did you do?" I said to Steve. "I did nothing Sodapop, why didn't you stick up for me?" He questioned me. "It's not my fault, you actually looked like you wanted her here. Especially when they were fighting. What having two girls fight over you. But here's a hint. Only one loves you" I screamed and pointed towards where Brianna just was but now was gone.

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