Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Cori's POV

No one ever really notices me at school, but today I was getting looks like I was a new student. My hair color now was beach blonde, let's see how Twobit likes me now. I strolled into the cafeteria late, everyone was already seated so I got a lot of glares as I walked to the greaser side. Twobit had his back to me. I put my hands on his chest. Everyone else at the table had their mouths to the floor. Twobit clearly didn't know it was me. My long blonde hair dropped in front of his face. "Who are you, and why haven't I seen you before" he said looking at his fingers which were twirling my hair. "Oh you know me" I whispered. He finally turned around with a blank look. "Really?" I was a little pisses off. He was quiet for about 30 more seconds until it hit him. "Oh my gosh, Cori, what did you do to your hair?" He gaped. "A little fellow told me you only date blondes and I really like you so I thought I had to be a blonde in order to be your girlfriend" I said quickly. "Oh doll face, you were perfect the way you were, don't go changing for me" Twobit said and grabbed my shoulders. "Actually I wanted to ask you something" I nodded. "Be my girl" he simply said. "Be my boy?" I replied. He playfully slapped me. "Yes, I'll be your girl!"

Lexa's POV

"So guys, what are we gonna do about Brianna? She didn't come to lunch today and she left last night. And she does drugs now sooo" Sophie asked everyone. "Well none of us really know what happened that night. All I know is that Steve and sodapop we just getting drinks when Evie showed up and it went down hill from their" Twobit stated. "Yeah. That's what I heard. We tried and tried to find a way to fix Brianna and Steve but nothing worked. I looked at the clock and saw lunch was over in two minutes and Emma didn't come back which means she's probably running late. "Well guys time to her back to hell" pony said and Brynne laughed. "It ain't that bad" she added. For some people it is. I thought to myself. I was pouring my food out when Heather whispered to me "you look fat in those jeans, god get work done" I was fuming with anger. I just walked away and gave the lunch ladies my tray. Johnny was back with pony and Brynne so I just kept walking when a elbow was placed on my shoulder I jumped. "So how is lunch on the greasy side?" Heather asked twisting my hair with her group following her. "Fine" I tried to push her off. "Yeah soc side is better. You would love it over their but I dont think she's pretty enough, girls" Heather smiled, he elbow still was on my shoulder. "God leave me alone" I pushed her off and walked away as fast as legs could carry me. In the distance I could hear Heather yelling "she pushed me" give it a break bitch. Like Twobit said 'it's all down hill from here'

Brynne's POV

School today wasn't bad. I'm a pretty smart kid and having Ponyboy around is such a help. Mondays always seem like a drag but as pony and I stepped out of that school the race was on to the Curtis house. I was loosing most of the time but right at the end we were neck in neck. Once we reached to house I was completely out of breath. "It- was... A- tie" I huffed. "Damn running with back packs is difficult" pony retorted. I nodded. "So Pony, let's get our work done, then I really want to play soccer" I pleaded. "I've never played" he expressed. "Good than I can teach you" I was so pumped to show him something he doesn't know. Ponyboy seems like a smart kid and knows a lot of stuff but I can finally show him something he doesn't know. We charged for the door almost scaring Beth to death. Beth had Clare on her lap and they were watching Mickey, surprising. "Hiya Beth, Clare bare" Ponyboy said and kissed Beth on the cheek and Clare on the head. "We are gonna do our homework now" ponyboy said and walked down the hall. I waved to them as I passed. She'll make a great mother some day. "So 4 times 4 is 16 then divide 16 by 2 and you get 8" I explained. "There we are done, now teach me" Ponyboy yelped and jumped off the bed. "Alright, let me grab my ball" I got it and went to the back yard. We basically just passes around and talked. "So when do I get to hear that song" I shrugged. "Next time I'm alone and in the shower" I joked but it was true. "You say what's on your mind, I like that" he smiled. My back was towards the road and Ponys was towards the house. He shanked the pass so it went soaring between two houses. He started to walk and get it. "No I'll get it" I shooed him away. I bent down and healed the ball back the him. When I stood back up I saw the dark tan car again with two eyes starring right at me. As his window began to roll down I sprinted toward Pony. He saw me running and met up with me I hid behind him tears falling down my face. "B-Brice. He found me" I cried into his shoulder. Ponyboy could tell how scared I was and ushered me inside locking the back door. "It's okay. You're safe now, don't worry." Pony tried to comfort me. He rubbed my back, but it wouldn't work. I was still shaking because I knew Brice would stop at nothing to get me.

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