Chapter 12

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Chapter 12.

Twobits POV

"Don't bother Emma, okay? She has a fever of 102, she needs rest and we don't need any of you getting sick" Beth reprimanded. "I think you'll just have to be worried about Sodapop, now that he do t have Sandy I have a feeling they will be inseparable." I joked "that's better than them fighting" Lexa added. "True" Pony smiled at Brynne. "Brynne wanna go to the DX?" She nodded. "Sure! Isn't that where Soda and Steve work?" She questioned if she had their names right. "See it's like you already belong here" he grabbed her hand and left. "Hey Cori wanna come too?" She jumped off the top of the coffee and yelled "yes I need fresh air" I chuckled "wanna come too guys?" I asked. "I'm gonna stay here with Emma but Johnny and Lexa can go" Beth said and walked into the kitchen. " I'm gonna stay home too" Brianna said and laid down on the couch. "Com' on guys, we don't got all day" I pronounced. They quickly got off the chair, still holding hands and followed me out the door. The rest of the guys were already out of the gate. So I jogged up to Cori. We were silent for awhile which was strange so I piped up "so how 'bout that airline food?" Everyone burst into laughter. "Twobit you're too funny" Cori slapped my shoulder. The conversation went on with us all just joking around. We were almost their when we saw Sophie walking consciously walking across the street. She saw us and waved while she was at the corner. A car was passing and knowing Sophie she would run right in front of it, but instead she stopped and let it pass. "Greaser" they yelled. She flicked them off and yelled "assholes" she approached us "hey nice get up" I pointed to her tights and leotard. "Haha so funny twoshit" she responded. "Hahahaha that's a good one, I'm gonna use that" Cori laughed and gave Sophie a high five. "Awh shut it, we are here.

Steve's POV

"Their you go, sir" I gave the man back his change. "You need to learn how to work a gas station" the man screamed and stormed out. "Whatever" I mumbled. Minutes later the gang walked in. "Hey guys" I searched the crowd for Brianna and Emma. " yo guys where's my girl and Sodas?" Brynne opened her mouth to say something but Sodapop came running in "I heard my name" we all laughed. They basically filled up the whole store. "Brianna's home sleeping and Emma's as sick as a dog" Brynne stated. "Wow you really don't sugar coat it do you?" I asked "nope, I like to tell it as it is" she smiled, Ponyboy out his arm around her and she blushed. "Wait hold up, Emma's sick?" Soda asked worried. "Sure is, has a fever of 102" pony responded. "I gotta get home" soda put his keys on the table, "close up for me buddy?" He scrambled "woah pal you ain't going anywhere, it's almost rush hour and it's Saturday so it'll be busy. anyways Beth is home right, so she will be taken care of, probably a little but too much" I calmed him. "Yeah man you know how Beth gets when someone is sick, she's like a super mom" Johnny smiled still gripping Lexa's hand. "Fine, but when it's 5 I'm outta here" sodapop huffed and went out to the garage. "So y'all want a coke?" They all nodded. Great.

Darry's POV

"Okay dar time for you to head home and feed that family of yours" my boss joked. He was always a man that always thought the less the better, more money for him. "Okay boss see you Monday" I said and grabbed my tools and left. I enjoyed the moments I have in the car, all to myself. I can listen to music I want without turning it up all the way. I pulled into the drive way and saw all the lights were on except pony and sodas room. "Honey I'm home" I yelled, it was like the show me and Beth watched the other night. It was a brand new show, that line was everywhere. "Honey, I'm in the kitchen" she screamed back over all the yelling and wrestling that was going on in between us. I stepped carefully around everyone, it's all ways a party at the Curtis'. "Hi babe" I kissed her head and hugged her. She was making soup. "Ooo yum" I clapped and got a spoon. She slapped it out of my hand "this is for Emma" she said and poured it in to a bowl. "Why just her?" I was worried. "She's extremely sick, she's hot and has a fever of 102, she is really clammy and pale" she sighed. "It's from sleeping outside in the freezing weather." I said "no duh" Beth responded a little flustered with everything, the noise and the sick child. I grabbed the soup from her and guided her toward Emma's room. "Hey Emma bear, it's Darry and Beth, we brought you some soup" she opened her eyes and coughed. "Thanks" she croaked and propped her self on her elbows. I felt her forehead, "damn she is burning up, should we take her too a doctor?" I asked Beth shrugged. "We can see how she is In the morning, if she isn't any better we will take her" she put a piece hair out of Emma's face. Emma coughed again. Suddenly the door burst open, sodapop came running in "Emma, I'm so sorry, if I wasn't so stupid you wouldn't be this sick, I love you" he grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead. Beth and I let the be. We walked out the door Beth was in front of me, she kept walking so I stopped her "Beth this might be a bad time to ask but..." I got down on one knee about to ask the biggest question of my life.

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