Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Emma's POV

I looked around seeing hugging of Lexa and Johnny, Sophie and Dally, Steve and Brianna, Darry and Beth, Twobit and Cori was just released out of Twobits hands and Ponyboy and Sodapop were just talking and looking at the new girl while I was just standing their playing with my thumbs. "Hey" I looked up to see Sodapop about to give me a hug. "How are you? They didn't hurt you too bad did they?" I loved when he talked to me like that. "No just a couple of bruises and scratches" I smiled. He still examined me. "Sodapop I said I was fine." I persisted. "You know how I feel about Socs and Greasers rival." He looked down. "I know because I'm your best friend" I smiled but really inside I was fuming with anger, really friend zone. The endless place that brings misery to lonely people, the only thing is you're trapped and only few make it out lucky. "I uh heard about your parents. Are uh you okay?" I put down my collar and pulled my hair up so he could see the bruises. He gasped. "I'm so sorry, that's not fair for you or Johnny. You don't deserve it you're too good if a person." He hugged me. I don't want him to let go, ever. I pulled away and smiled. Am I really about to do this, I think I am. I brought my face towards his and pressed my lips on his. He pressed back, now this had to be real. Suddenly he stopped and pushed me away, hard. I fell on my butt with tears rolling down my face. Sodapop had a grieving look and was about to kneel down when Johnny yelled "what the hell did you do to my sister?" Everyone in the gang had their eyes on me and shocked that Johnny screamed like that. Sodapop stood back up and gave me his hand to help me up. But I just slapped it away. I stood up by myself and began to run, run away to the park, "oh they'll never find me here" I whispered to myself with all the sarcasm I had left. So I crawled under the slide and drifted away, thinking of sodapop.

Bethany's POV

"Sodapop Patrick Curtis why were you so harsh with that poor girl?" I screamed and Darry added. "She clearly has a crush on you. Can't you see it?" Soda sighed. "Oh no but he is in love with Sandy, Soda she isn't meant for you, Emma is." Steve piped up. "Guys Steve is right" we all sighed with relief, "maybe he will break up Sandy." I whispered to Darry. "I hope" he rubbed my back. "I am in love with Sandy." He started to walk toward Johnny. Johnny looked furious. We obviously can't changed Sodas mind, but we can try. "Noooo Soda, Sandy is just using you, she's gonna leave someday and you're gonna be stuck in love while your perfect match will already have a boyfriend. Is that what you want?" Brianna questioned Soda and made a perfect point. "No you guys don't get it. I'm gonna ask Sandy to marry me soon so we can always be together." We all sighed again. "No Soda I don't think she's trust worthy, she doesn't love you" Pony screamed. I walked over to Ponyboy, Sodapop was in tears now. "Pony that took it a little too far. Don't cha think?" He sighed and frowned. "I was only telling the truth." I hugged him. "I know I know. It's just too bad he can't see that"

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