Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Sophie's POV

I've been in Ponyboys room all night. I feel bad for walking in on him and pouting but they probably don't even notice I'm gone. I walked down the hall and only saw Johnny, Lexa, and Clare. "Where is everyone?" I asked. They turned around to look at me. "Cori, Twobit, Emma, and Brianna went to find Steve and Sodapop. Dallas is sleeping. And Darry and Beth just went to his room."Clare informed me. Johnny and Lexa nodded. "Alright, smart one." I mumbled and went to the kitchen. The hard floor and my socks made it easier for me to spin and jump. I went through my routine. "Step ball change step ball change. Right turn three times. Jump..... (Dance goes on) and splits" I muttered to myself and I played the music in my head. I heard clapping behind me. "How long have you been standing their?" I asked with out looking back. "Long enough to know you do t need to loose ten pounds. You're good enough to go to that school now" a New York accent spoke. "Dal." I said and turned around. "What?" He crossed his arms. "Kiss me" I said and mocked him by crossing my arms. "Gladly." He approached me and our lips crashed. Dally and I just have a steady friend ship. I've always wanted to be more but he's only into sluts and I don't think I am one. Maybe I should? He released. "Dal, I have a question." I said to him. "What?" He rubbed his neck. "Would you ever date me?" I asked. "Maybe, but we shouldn't start now, you might leave" he said and walked away. Great, I might as well leave now. I have nothing here.

Lexa's POV

"So how does it feel. You're almost 17?" Johnny asked me. "No different, now don't go throwing me a party next weekend. I don't want one" I persisted. "Oh girlfriend, you're getting one" Johnny insisted. "Fine" I huffed and stared out the window to look at the stars. "You're so pretty" Johnny said out of the blue. "Thanks?" I was confused. I guess I am his girlfriend so if makes sense he compliments me. "You really are" he put his arms around me as we stared out the window. It was silent for about 5 minutes until clapping came from the kitchen. Johnny and I snapped out of our gaze and he asked "let me see you without your glasses?" I slowly took them off. "Wow, your eyes are so brown, but those glasses suit you" he said and put them back on my face. I mumbled thanks and fell asleep on his shoulder.

Brianna's POV

I ran out of that bar like a killer was chasing me. I got strange glances from people on the street and in cars but I just shook them off. I can't believe Steve we have been dating for about a year now and he cheats on me with Evie. How dare he. I slowed down my pace because it was getting hard to breathe in the cold weather. I found myself in an alley alone I think. Tears steamed down my cheeks. I buried my face in my hands mumbling why. Then someone poked me with their toe. A clearly high girl with raggedy clothes and messy hair handed me a 'special' cigarette. I took it proudly. "You need it man" and with that she was gone leaving me with it. I took my lighter out of my pocket and lit it up. The first drag was hard to keep in but then I felt myself relax. It wasn't so dark in the alley anymore, I bounced up still with the 'cigarette' in my hand and jumped to the Curtis's. I pushed the door open and cracked up into laughter. Everyone was their sitting in silence. "Where have you been?" Emma asked me. "None of you business, mom" I giggled and stumbled to the kitchen but was stopped by Twobit. He ripped the cigarette out if my hand and sniffed it. "Are you high?" He asked angrily. "High?" I smiled and laughed. I grabbed it back and took another drag. "Brianna, what has gotten into?" Steve stood up. I frowned and looked around. "Where's Evie?" I joked with him. "Brianna, I love you. But if you're gonna act like this. We are gonna have to take a break." Steve warned. I smirked and sucked in again. "That's gonna mess with your head. Good luck at school today" Steve said and stormed out of the room. Everyone else looked pissed. "Wanna try" I grinned. Sodapop took it from me and disposed of it. "Screw you Sodapop Patrick Curtis" I screamed and left the house. Where can I get more of that?

Twobits POV.

I looked at Sodapop, Emma, dally, Sophie, and Lexa and Johnny who just woke up. "What's wrong with her. She's gonna go crazy with that stuff" Dallas said calmly. Steve was pacing in the kitchen crying. "Guys where's Cori?" I asked everyone. They all shrugged. "I thought she was with you?" Emma said. "I stayed at the bar, she went to the bathroom and I didn't see her after that." I explained. "I'm not sure." Sodapop said rubbing his chin. "She left upset Twobit. She saw you kissing a blonde and got upset" Steve yelled from the kitchen. "Guys be quiet, Clare's sleeping" Sophie said and pointed to Clare who was sleeping on her shoulder. "Here I'll take her" I walked over to Sophie and grabbed my sister.

Ponyboys POV

The movie got done late. Brynne and I got outside to find it dark almost too dark to see. The sky was beautiful, the moon was big and all of the stars showed. Brynne and I held hands because it was dangerous out here this late. Darry told us to cal but it was already midnight, I bet everyone's asleep. Brynne and I were walking as fast as we could home is this painfully cold weather. Suddenly a dark tan car zoomed by right when we were crossing the street. Brynne went pale. I squeezed her hand to let her know she was safe. She still had that terrified look on her face. "Everything alright?" I looked into her eyes. She nodded. I shrugged it off she's probably just tired. We stopped at the doorway to my, well I guess our house for now. We both leaned in about to kiss. This time the dad won't ruin it. Our lips touched and just for a second everything felt right. I took my hands out of my pockets and wrapped them around her lower back. She grabbed my face and kissed harder. She pulled away with all the terror gone in her eyes. We smiled brightly at each other and went inside. She looked back to the side walk and turned around quickly. "I'm cold, let's go inside" she rushed me inside. Well I can say that was a good night.

Brynne's POV

That car that drove by quickly looked familiar. Too familiar to a car back from Montana. I thought in my head the possibilities but it can't be, he couldn't know I was here. How? Ponyboy and I kissed a very passionate kiss that made my stomach get butterflies. I've really got feelings for this boy. We walked inside hand in hand. I got this strange feeling some one was watching so I turned back around and saw the dark tan car parked across the street with two dark blue evil eyes watching me. Brice. He's back.

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