Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Emma's POV

While Twobit and the nurse were fighting Clare looked like she was about to burst into tears again. Sodapop and I rushed over and comforted her. "Hey pumpkin, it's okay. Beth's gonna be okay. The stitches are gonna make you look tuff" Sodapop kissed her cheek. "Come on hun, let's fix your cut" the nurse wheeled her down the ER hall. Soda and I tagged along. We walked quietly down the hall. Soda kept looking towards every door to see if Beth was inside. We walked by one with at least 5 doctors inside which frightened me because I just had a feeling it was Beth's room. We arrived in an empty room, the nurse was kind and asked questions to keep Clare focused while the needle went through her skin. "So you told me you were hit by a car door, how did that exactly happen?" The nurse asked while she numbed her skin. "Well you know the lady that was-" Clare stopped and looked at Sodapop and I. He gave her a sweet look that it was okay to continue. "She was stabbed. I saw it and ran for her fiancé. He didn't see me by the door and opened it." She explained not wincing once at the pain. "Well thank you Clare, that clears things up. And you know what Beth, is that her name?" She asked us, we nodded. "Well she gonna be just fine, the babies may not but she might get another chance" she encouraged Clare and cut the last string. "Okay, done see that was easy. Three little stitches." The nurse said and whipped them so they were clean. She walked us to the door and told us to put a bandage on each day and come back in two weeks, then turned the other way out of sight. Sodapop picked her up and walked down the hall and whispered to her as she drifted to sleep. "You're better, you look tuff, you are so good" I smiled. I want this man to be my husband and father to my children. 

Sophie's POV

Lately Dallas and I have had some slip ups. Nothing that could take me out of dance but we have kissed a few times. I loved every minute. We have been here for three hours and most of the gang was asleep. Clare was the first, then the rest slowly drifted to sleep. Cori had her head on Twobits shoulder. Lexa had her head on Johnny's lap. Emma was the same with Sodapop. Ponyboy had tear stained cheeks and was asleep in a chair. Brianna and Steve were on opposite sides of the waiting room but were also asleep. Dallas, Darry and I were the only ones awake. "You should be getting some rest" dal said to me. "I can't sleep, what's new" I replied. "You have dance in the morning though" he turned more towards me. "No sleep hasn't stopped me before, anyways I already have the scholarship" he lowered his head. "I know" he mumbled. "But just because I have it don't mean they can't take it away" I informed him flipping through a magazine. "So did you loose those ten pounds?" I nodded not wanting to talk about that low moment. "They still would of taken you." I nodded again. He put his thumb under me chin and forced me to look at him. I couldn't look at him. I would fall for him even more. "You know I like you, I like you a lot but if letting you go makes your dreams come true, I'll let you go, man" he said. He couldn't just leave 'man' out, I rolled my eyes. "I like you too. It's only three months. You'll forget about me once I leave." I tried to turn back around but he pressed his lips on mine. "When do you leave?" He asked. "Two weeks" I said. "So I can do this for 14 more days" he kissed my lips longer and more passionate.

Darry's POV

I felt awkward with dal and Sophie making out a couple seats down from me. My eye kids started to droop, I was thinking about how devastated Ponyboy was. I mean the first girl he actually likes is kidnapped, she might be killed. We may never get her back. And frankly I'm not sure how we are going to find her. It was quiet, it's been awhile since I've heard quietness. I was about to fall asleep when I heard "Curtis?" I jumped up, fully awake to see a doctor with a clip board. "Follow me" he took me down a hallway of offices. "Take a seat" he said and closed the door. "Well I have both good and bad news" I was frozen. "Well we were able to stop the eternal bleeds but I'm afraid you lost one baby. We can't remove it until the other is ready to be born. So the other child still has hope but the other is gone. The stab wound cut the child. I'm sorry. But your wife will be fine. We need to keep her here for awhile to keep an eye on the eternal bleeding and other child. It may be months" he informed me. I can't believe I lost a child already. Beth is strong, she will do anything to keep the other  child. "Thank you doctor" I stood up and shook his hand. "Your fiancé? She will be stable in the morning and you'll be able to see her then. But for now take all if your friends and family home" he said and opened the door for me. I walked out and shook everyone awake. They all stood in front of me with wide eyes. "Well we lost a child because it was cut from the stab and the other is fine but Beth will have to stay here for awhile because of the eternal bleeding" I explained and a tears dropped from my eyes. All the girls gave me a hug at once. But nothing will compare to Beth's hugs.



😭😰😢 Beth lost a child. I was sad writing that part because I love kids. Jeez Emma wants a kid. Dal is in love with Sophie. Wow I'm lame at a/n. I still have a lot if ideas for this story so if you guys have a favorite couple and want a cute date or POV of them inbox me or comment! Please I really want to hear your ideas. Stay gold!

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