Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Ponyboys POV

Dally insisted we do this by ourselves, and frankly I'm not sure if I even have a lead on Brynne. I remember I was going to the park with Johnny, on the other side of the park was the woods. I saw a few old run down cars driving through them. I don't know why they would. People from Tulsa aren't big on camping. I told dally about it and he wanted to check it out. The gang wanted to go with us but we forced them to stay home. Darry and Sodapop weren't too fond of the idea but I need to find Brynne. Dallas thought it would be a good idea to into the woods from the other side of the park so we passed the lonely park and made our way into the woods.

Brynne's POV

I've had it. Brice has abused me so much. I'm about to bleed out. Scratches and bruises filled my body, I bet I wouldn't even recognize myself if I looked in a mirror. It's probably been over two weeks I've been here. Brice has had 15 customers for me. I'm not okay with being a sex toy, let's just make that clear. I was fiddling with the rope tied around my hands. That charm bracelet was about to cut through the rope. I had zero energy left to pull it apart so I stay put. I kept rubbing my angel wing against the rope. Finally after two weeks it snapped. With all the energy I had I stepped on my numb legs, it was difficult to walk since I've been trapped all this time. "What do you think you're doing?" Brice opened the door, he had a steaming bowl of soup. Suddenly that boiling soup covered my body causing it to feel like I was in flames. I screeched, then recalled the knife he threw on the ground the other day. I grasped it tightly in my hands closing my eyes before he jumped right into it. I their laid on the floor with my limp kidnapper dead. His blood started covering my body. I shoved him off escaping that room. I killed him. Was all that went through my head. I stumbled up the stairs shaking. The door I came through the night I came here was jammed. I tried all the other doors. They were also locked from the outside. I grabbed something similar to a rock and threw it at the nearest window I could fit through. Glass pierced my skin but I fought through the pain. My clothes were cut and ripping. I no longer heard my charm bracelet changing against my bloody cut up wrist it must have fell by the border line of the woods and the park. I could care less about it now. Even though it saved my life I needed ponyboy right here right now. It looked about noon, but that didn't stop my adjusting eyes to the brightness of two head lights, of a blue mustang.

Ponyboys POV

We found the house. A window was shattered. Dally and I went inside, it's our last chance. The place was completely distorted. It had beer cans, switch blades, guns, pizza boxes. It was crawling with bugs. I shuddered hoping Brynne didn't sleep here. I opened a door leading to a stair well. I called dally out. We got our blades out and crept down the stairs. Their was only one room and the door was wide open. A hand laid still through the door way. I prayed and prayed hoping it wasn't Brynne. Dally kicked it open only to find out the bed would just push it back at us. We put it open as far at it would go finding a male body with blood oozing out of him. Dallas, with no fear flipped the body over to see it's face, it was Brice. He had his eyes open. I was scared, someone killed him. Dallas pushed me out the door and led me to the window. He pushed me out causing my forehead to get cut my the glass. It didn't hurt too bad. Brynne could be dead for all I know. Dallas and I ran back the opposite way we came in so we would be by the park. The sun peaked out from behind a cloud shinning against something gold. I picked up a blood covered charm bracelet. Id recognize it anywhere. This was Brynne's. I remember her telling me what each charm meant. I showed Dallas clearly it had no effect on him so I just dragged him to the park bench "it's Brynne's" he patted my back. "Okay were close" I was confused "dal why are you helping me?" He smirked "why can't i" we sat their in silence for about thirty seconds until I heard a scream, and then a splash.

Brynne's POV

The socs took no hesitation. They grabbed me and swung a punch to my stomach. Instantly I coughed up blood. I can't take anymore beatings. They dragged me to the fountain. I screamed for mercy, but I knew no one would find me. It's too gloomy out for anyone to come. Just in my luck it started pouring but that didn't matter, I was already under the water, not coming up. I was being forced down, all out my cuts were now open and seeping out blood into the fountain water, causing me to breathe them in. I'm going to die. I heard yelling above me but couldn't makes it out. The hand released me, soy head popped out of the water. My vision was blurry, but it looked like dally punched the last guy making him fall down. The rest scrambled to their car and drove off. Two familiar arms wrapped around me carrying me out of the water. "Pony" I mumbled before everything darkened.


•yay Brynne was found

•is she gonna make it?

•please leave feedback and vote please idk if you guys actually know how much time I put into my stories and it would mean a lot if you would leave feedback and vote

•I say this every time but please go read my new family. It's an outsiders fanfiction

•yay forty chapters!

Xoxo stay gold

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