Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Beth's POV

Today was a gloomy cold day. It wasn't making me any happier. One of my babies is gone and the other might have a disability the rest if it's life, it might not even make it. Tears streamed down my face. The nurses just told me to stay calm and positive but sometimes that shit just doesn't work. A few hours later, around noon Darry and the boys walked in. None of the girls did. "Where's everyone again?" I asked sitting up a little. Darry pulled a chair up to my bed. "The girls got jumped last night. They'll be fine" I sighed in relief. "Fine?! You traumatized my girl friend" sodapop argued. "I saved her damn life" I raised my voice. "Fine but I hope you can get her screaming out of your head because whenever I shut my eyes I see her scared face begging you not to stab her again" he practically yelled. "Shhh" I warned. Darry opened his mouth to say something when the doctor came in "We have a disturbance about yelling. I need you to come with me" he pointed to sodapop, who was red with anger "fine" he mumbled and kissed Beth's forehead "glad you're feeling better" he whispered. I never said I felt any better. Morning sickness was a bitch. My stomach always ached and I never have anyone to talk too. Hours passed and the gang left around 3. The tension left finally. It gave me a head ache from all if the fake cheeriness. Obviously pony was just putting on a fake smile when really he was dying not knowing where Brynne was. The rest were clearly just thinking about their girls. I just wanted Clare and Darry. They're the only ones who are worried deeply and always have their minds on me. I don't know what's gotten into me but I almost can't take the socs ruining our happy family. It's tearing us apart.

A few days later

Brianna's POV

Morning time was my least favorite time. And especially this week would be terrible. It's the first week of the month which we all know what that means, it's my special week. It's not so special at all. Cramps make me go insane, and the food cravings. But lately I've been having those so often it's crazy. Clare decided to spend the night again. She's been protesting against Twobit lately and it's kinda fun to see her rebel but it's not good to disobey also. I stood up and nausea slapped me causing me to fall over. Pain erupted from my stomach triggering me to run to the bathroom. I threw up, expecting to see my dinner, all that came out was water. I rinsed my mouth and walked back out to see Clare with her ear to the door. "are you sick?" I shook my head. "No I'm just... I'm not sure exactly just don't tell anyone, alright?" She nodded. "Let's go to the boys" she winked causing me to laugh, even though I knew what was wrong with me. I was pregnant. Steve never wore protection after he saved me. We were doomed. Clare barged into the house clearly forgetting our promise and yelling "Brianna threw up this morning" I pointed my finger at her while everyone ran up to me. "Guys leave me alone I'm fine" they backed off a little. I laid down on the floor feeling nauseous again. I was scared shit. Steve laid down next to me hugged me from the side. All of the girls were recovering from a few nights ago. Emma had some self esteem issues with her arm. Sodapop tried to tell her she's still beautiful but she never believed him. Cori was fine, her bruises started to fade yesterday. Johnny never left Lexa's side. And Sophia was separating herself from the gang. She is leaving in 7 days and is too sad to see everyone. "Were off" Dallas yelled and ponyboy followed. I knew where they were going. All of us did. They are getting Brynne back.


Next chapter is gonna be amazing I'm so excited to post it! Guys go check out my new fanfiction my new home please xoxo stay gold

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