Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Beth's POV

I fiddled with the pregnancy test box Sandy threw at me. I stared at it for about ten minutes scared of the answer but anything could happen he didn't wear a condom. Almost everyone went to school and work. Cori still hasn't showed up yet but she probably just went home. Emma forced me to let her go even though she wasn't 100 percent. And Brianna went to school because when I was dropping off ponyboy and signing Brynne up Brianna had her good up and scurried by us. I only knew it was her because of the shoes, her name was written on the side so she wouldn't mix them up with Emma. Dal ditched today, but I could care less what he does. The rest just went to school like normal. I was alone In the house with Clare who was watching Mickey like her brother. I giggled when I saw her so close to the tv. I opened the package and read the directions. It said it took five minutes. During those five minutes I was like super mom. I cleaned the dished and picked up the living room. I slowly walked to the bathroom and saw a plus. I'm pregnant.

Emma's POV

I pleaded Beth to let me go to school today. I really didn't feel like going but I wanted to visit sodapop at work, I wish he'd come back to school. I regret taking the same classes as Brianna. She has just taken a wrong path and I don't want that to happen to her. Luckily I have Sophie, dal, and Twobit. Lexa and Johnny are in the same grade as us but are in other classes. Brianna showed up in a hoodie and ripped jeans. When she walked by us a scowl was all over her face, she plopped down her books in the back row and put her head down. The class started and most of us weren't taking notes. It's science so we just copy off of Sophie's notes or just use her note book. Brianna spent most of the class throwing paper balls at the front of the class room, finally our teacher had enough and yelled. "Brianna please excuse yourself from class." Bri stood up and waved to all of us. Once she was at the door she yelled "I feel bad for you guys" and with that she was gone. At lunch we all met up in the cafeteria. I waved bye to then, crossed through the gym and left to the DX. Sodapop and Steve were at the counter eating their lunch. Their heads popped up when they heard the bell ring. "Hey Emma" Sodapop said with a smile and hugged me. I was dying inside. "You look so much better" we walked over the the register and sat back down by Steve who had bags under his eyes and was half asleep. Soda handed me half of his sandwich. Steve crumpled up lunch and threw it away and stormed to the garage. "He's pretty best up about Brianna" Sodapop said and looked down. "I know, she was worse today, she got kicked out if science class." I explained. "Yeah. She'll come around" he said and kept starring at his food. "I wanted to wait for Steve to leave, and he's gone so... Emma, will you go out on a date tonight?" He asked me. I gasped. This is what I've waited for. "Yes absolutely!"

Brianna's POV

I didn't eat lunch today, I couldn't, I was getting a new 'ship meant' behind school. When I say ship meant I mean more pot. I handed over the money needs to an unrevealed person. I lit it up and felt all my nerves relax. My environment started to change like it did last night. I started to feel my body get excited and hipper. My mind went blank from all my manners, like I had any. I ran through the back door and sprinted through the halls tearing down posters, banging on the lockers. I was having the time of my life until I ran into a hard figure, the principle. "Can't do anything about me mr. Rogers. I'm a free spirit." I went for the high five. "You're suspended Until further notice. Now put your drugs out and get the hell out of my school" he screamed. Some teachers poked their heads out of their doors with disgusted looks. I skipped down the hall and could not be happier.

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