Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Emma's POV

I didn't feel well at all. I was sweaty, but freezing, my head was pounding too. About 45 minutes ago Brynne guided me toward Ponyboy's and Sodapop's bed room. The bed felt so soft and fluffy. The pillows were like heaven instead of the cold hard ground last night. Damn it, that's why I'm sick. I slept outside. "Brynne?" I called out, knowing she was in the room. "Yes" she came closer. My eyes were closed. "I don't feel good, at all is Beth home yet?" She brushed some hair out of my face. "Not yet darling. Can I do anything for you?" She was so sweet. "Yeah, can I have a glass of water?" She gently stood up. "Yeah, anything else?" I shook my head. Brynne carefully got up and headed towards the door and gently shut it. A few minutes later she came in with Beth. I opened my eyes more. Beth rushed over to the bed and felt my forehead. "Honey, you're burning up. You looked perfectly fine this morning." Beth stated. "I know Beth, I wasn't feeling fantastic then but now I just feel like complete shit" I rubbed my forehead. Emma handed me the water. "Thanks" I croaked. "Mhm" Brynne smiled. Beth felt my cheeks and forehead again. "I'm gonna go get the thermometer and some medicine." She left the room. I grabbed Brynne's hand "hey Brynne, be my best friend" I asked. She looked a little confused. "I would be honored."

Ponyboys POV

I was reading outside when the socs that jumped the girls last night came by. "What the hell could you possibly want?" I yelled "woah woah woah, pretty boy, we just wanted to return the girls bags. The idiot leader stole them. I was just going to throw them away but decided to just give them back." I grabbed Brynne's bags "well that was nice of you, now don't you ever lay a hand on any of those girls again, you hear?" I screamed. "Yes I got it tough guy" he punched me playfully in the shoulder. "Yeah I got it. See ya around greaser" I sighed. Some things will never change. I walked into the house. I saw Brianna, Cori and twobit chatting about Mickey Mouse and Lexa and Johnny were holding hands. I headed toward my room. I think Emma and Brynne were still in it. I slightly knocked. "Come in" Beth said calmly. I opened the door and saw Emma laying with a few blankets in her and a thermometer sticking out of her mouth. "Brynne the socs dropped your bags off" I set them down and she said thanks. I walked over to the desk chair. Beth leaned in to get the thermometer. "Oh my gosh you have a fever of 102 degrees, Emma." She just tilted her head back. She coughed and cleared her throat. "Why me?" She questioned. "I'm not sure, just try not to get anyone else sick" Beth stated. "I'll be back with more medicine and to take your temperature later. Get rest. Come on guys" Beth instructed. Brynne and I followed waving bye to Emma. She coughed in response.

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