Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Tulsa 1967
Bethany's POV

Darry and I were having our typical Friday movie night. Steve and Brianna were sitting a few rows ahead smooching like crazy. Johnny and his sister Emma were siting next to them. Sophie was sitting on the other side of Johnny. She looked into the movie. I didn't know what was happening really, it had no plot to it. Darry gave my hand a squeeze to get my attention back to him. "What'cha thinking about" I looked into his eyes. "This, our 'family' they look happy." He looked confused at my deepness "we are great guardians" we both were quiet for a minute. "Remember when we were that age. Just starting to date. Your parents were so happy for you said you got it right. Even though we were only 15" he smiled and put his head to mine. "It don't matter how old we were. I regret not having you those first 15 years" with that the movie was over and we marched outta that joint until we reached home.

Sodapops POV

Sandy and I were making out on the couch luckily right before part of the gang came it. Darry had his fingers interlocked with Beth's same with Steve but only with Brianna. Johnny, Emma, and Sophie came in behind them. Emma was my best friend I'm sure I was hers too. I know she has a crush in me but I'm in love with Sandy and I can't let her go. Emma smiled at me and went to the bathroom. She had her red leather jacket with the collar flipped up. Damn that looked hot. No no you have Sandy.

Emma's POV

As soon as I stepped through the door to the living room I saw Soda and Sandy. God she was so pretty with that perfect blonde silky hair. My heart pounded from jealousy when I smiled at Sodapop. I want him. She's a slut bag. I carefully shut the door but really I wanted to slam it so hard. I threw my hair in a ponytail to inspect my neck. My parents beat up Johnny and I last night. My mother almost strangled me but Johnny eventually stopped her. The bruises were incredible, that's why my collar was flipped up. So no one would see.

Johnny's POV

Emma stormed to the bathroom but to everyone else it looked like she just walked their but I knew something was bothering her just by the way she walked. Twin telepathy? I'm not sure. "Johnny what's the scratch from?" Ponyboy asked. He just came out of his room, probably reading, or getting away from Soda and Sandy. All eyes were on me. "Um Emma and I got a pretty tough beating last night. It was rough." People didn't looked too shocked, I'm not even sure why Pony asked. "I'm going to the lot to visit Lexa, he parents have been getting on her lately" I said standing up. "Have her sleep here tonight, we don't need her getting sick or cold or raped" my eyes widened. "Good point, I'll go her her" I swiftly walked out the door almost right into Twobit and Dally. "Hey guys" they waved back. "Johnny seems happier lately" I faintly heard in the distance. I smiled.

Sophie's POV

Dally and Twobit walked in literally 3 seconds after Johnny stormed out. "Hey" I spoke. "Hey doll, what did y'all so tonight?" Dally asked. "We went to the movies and that's it i guess. Not much." Darry shrugged. "Fun fun, well aren't you starving?" Twobit asked. "Well sort of" Sandy smiled sweetly. Sodapop pecked her cheek while I think the rest of us just groaned and rolled our eyes. "Actually it's 9:30 I should get you home" sodapop stood up with Sandy attached to his hip. Just then Emma walked out and rolled her eyes. "Yeah don't want her parents to worry" Darry piped up. "I'll go get Johnny and Lexa from the lot. Are we going out to dinner, probably at the dingo, right?" I said and stood up smoothing my skirt out. "Sure are. Take one of the boys with you." Beth said just trying to keep me safe. "Okay, any takers?" Dally spoke up "I'll go"

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