Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Brianna's POV

I woke up with Clare In my arms. She was just gonna sleep on my couch but after she woke up from a nightmare last night she stayed with me. I unwrapped my arms and got out of bed to get dressed. My bathroom still had a tint of a smokey smell. I shuddered at the thought of Steve not being their. I could have been injured maybe even killed. I was eating a bowl of cereal when Clare walked in. She had sleepy eyes. "Hey girly. Want some cereal?" I held up the box. She nodded tiredly and grabbed a spoon. I poured her a bowl. After breakfast I got her dressed in a spare of clothes Darry told me to keep here. Then we hopped into my car and drove to the house. I carried her inside quickly because it was so damn cold out. We walked in and she squirmed out of my arms and ran to Darry's "how is everyone?" Clare poked Darry's nose. "they are good. Emma's cut split open and Cori is cooking pancakes." Darry messed with Clare's hair. I nodded when Sophie held her side as she walked to the kitchen. Darry stood up and set Clare In the huge recliner. "Sophie can you lay down for me?" She was still sleepy so she shoved dal not thinking right off of the couch. He was awake and groaned but jest hugged the floor. Clare put her hands over her eyes and I made my way to see the damage. Her stomach was black and blue with a little green and brown mixed in. "OH MY GOD" I gasped. She clutched her tummy and rolled away from us. "Sophie, you can't dance, you're in too much pain"Darry comforted her. "I have too" she sat up and sniffled. Darry left the room. I felt her forehead, she wasn't too got but she didn't look too good. "Don't you dare tell anyone. Or it'll be your add next" she threatened. I was shocked. "Fine. But don't over work yourself" I gave in. I looked down to see Dallas still laying on the ground snoring. Sophie stifled a cough when Darry came back with a few aspirins and a water. She chugged them down and went back to her room where her clothes were. Darry and I chatted until Sophie came back in her dance outfit. "Hell no. You can't go." I stood up. She gave me a death glare. "I'm going" she sounded stuffed up. "Whatever do what you want. Go get hurt before your move I don't care" I sat back down and crossed my arms. She had something on me. "Than I'm taking your car" she ripped my keys out of my hand and stomped away. I heard her cough right when she left. That's her problem not mine. Right after she left the rest of the gang came in. More like stumbled and limped

Dally's POV

I woke up right when I heard the door slam. Sophie left. It was a gloomy day out, the sky was still almost all black. I can't wait for it to be summer. I got off the floor and sat on the couch next to Johnny. He was chewing his nails. "She still hasn't woken up man. She's still sleeping" Johnny shook. I put my arm around him. "Johnny buddy. It's okay. She's gonna be fine" I tried to use my softest voice. He nodded and then out came sodapop with Emma in his arms. Her face was nuzzled into his neck. A rag was held into her arms. "Darry. Emma needs stitches now. Her arm is bleeding like a sucker pig" Darry narrowed his eyes. "A what?" Sodapop shoved Twobit off of the other couch and laid Emma down, who had puffy red eyes from crying. Johnny about jumped to the ceiling when her bruised cut up body was reviled. "Forget about it dar. Get the kit" he shot up and went to the kitchen and came back with a white box. "Everyone out of the room. Go to my room" Darry instructed loudly, putting the thread through the needle. Emma looked like she was about to pass out. Sodapop held her hand. Darry gave her something for the pain. But she still looked pale. We were all awkwardly standing in Darry's room, he never let's us in here. Silence made it worse, because of the piercing screams coming from the living room. It went on for about an hour. Johnny just sat their shuddering at each scream getting worse and louder. Lexa happened to be in this room. Johnny stroked her hair until she slowly opened her eyes and cringed at the pain. Johnny engulfed her in a hug. If only I knew Sophie was safe.


Sorry sorry sorry these chapters are sooo boring. School starts Thursday so that means I won't be able to update as often. I have a lot of fanfictions I am writing clearly. And I have recently became the owner of an abandoned one so that means I have four fanfics and imagine and then school work on top of that. Sooooo that means I will be ending this fanfic soon. Buuuttt I will be writing a sequel and I have come up with a really good last chapter idk how I'll get their though. Leave feedback please! I love y'all so much xoxo

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