Chapter 44

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Chapter 43

Lexa's POV

I'm done being sorry for myself. Sure I cut every now and then but in tired of always being the lonely one, the one that never speaks up. Johnny and I was walking to the park with Johnny, prepared to tell him everything. We sat down on the monkey bars. My hands were shaking. "You okay babe?" He asked rubbing my shoulders. "Y-yeah, just cold. I have to show you something?" I blurted out the ending. He nodded. I rolled up my sleeves and revealed my scabbard over, almost covered up scars. Johnny gasped at the sight of my arms. Like Cori he didn't ask me why. He just hugged me and whispered "you're okay" "I'm here babe" I smiled as a tear dripped down my cheek. "I'm 9 days clean" he kissed me passionately. "I love you so much" I cried into his shoulder.

The next day

Cori's POV

Today was the day Sophie leaves. I'm quiet torn up about it, I mean I've gotten so close to all of the girls and guys. We had cake and beer, almost like every other day. Emma was babying a hangover from yesterday and sodapop was shunning her, she's been a mess since the stitches. I hate seeing her like this, everyone does especially soda and Johnny. It was around 5:30. She was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago since it takes two hours at air ports. Everyone sat waiting for her. Dally looked out the window every time a car passed. Finally the door bell rang. I found that weird because Sophie should have just walked in. Instead we found her old sweet grandmother that once gave me a cupcake. "Hi have you seen..." Dallas cut her off "no Sophie isn't here." He snapped. "I'm aware, she's in New York. I was looking for her charm bracelet and pjs. She called me last night, wanting me to send them there" she shot back. That's definitely Sophie's grandma. My jaw along with everyone else's dropped. "How in the world could she leave us without a good bye?" Twobit screeched. I tried to calm him down but it didn't help everyone was pissed and crying. We lost a gang member in the blink if an eye, we were all too busy with our failing relationships to even notice.

Two months later (lol sorry. Awkward planning. But I'm trying to get in everyone's POVs)

Beth's POV

It's been a month since I got out of the hospital. The doctor told me not to lift almost anything. He about knocked over Clare when she ran to me. Which really ticked me off. I was stirring soup when Darry snaked his arms around me. "How about I do that" he tried to grab the spoon but I pushed away. I was showing for sure. It's been 6 months. The doctors told me that I could expect the baby any day since it most possibly will be premature. That scared the shit out of me. Dallas was at some party. Sophie has sent one letter explaining why she left early, and how she would write and see us soon. That was four weeks ago and we haven't gotten another letter. Dally brings home a different blonde skinny girl every night but none will ever replace Sophie. She was like a sister to me, to all if us. Sodapop and Emma are on the last thread of their relationship. Emma has been drinking and smoking more, you can almost slightly hear a voice change. I've tried to talk to her but nothing ever works. Ponyboy spends most of his time at the hospital, his grades are dropping too. It's a scary thing. Lexa has been more energetic. Johnny seems to be the happiest he's been in awhile and Cori and Twobit bicker at points but make up pretty fast. I'm not sure. Our gang is falling apart. I hadn't felt the swirl of love in the air in months. I missed the sense of chills.

Ponyboys POV

Brynne has shone signs that she was close to waking up. But it's been two weeks. Her beautiful face is back to normal, the cuts and bruises have faded. She no longer had on a wrist brace or Ankle. Almost everything was normal, except she wouldn't wake up. I hold he hand everyday all day. My grades are lowering and getting poor. I hate the thought of it but I could never concentrate on anything else besides my beautiful love, Brynne. Every night I whisper "I love you, wake up baby" I know she doesn't hear me. Today i said "the school dance is coming up, you probably don't wanna go, I just want to see your beautiful eyes, oh please darling wake up. I love inside and out. Please" I cried. Tears escaped my eyes as I felt a limp squeeze and saw her blue eyes flutter open.

Brynne's POV

It took a second for my eyes to adjust. I didn't know where I was. Ponyboy instantly kissed my lips, it felt wonderful. "Oh Brynne I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's fault. I'm so sorry. I love you I love you I love you. Be my girl?" I was slightly confused at first but nodded "I love you too Ponyboy Curtis. Don't you dare blame yourself for any of this. Okay?" He nodded. Through out the week I had visitors of the gang. They came the first night except Sophie. She must have left for New York. I was lost on my dates. Everyone had on fake smiles Beth looked 6-7 months pregnant. Everything changed. Sodapop didn't have his arm around Emma, she was by my bed and reeked of alcohol. I didn't say anything. After that I was told to stay in for a week then I could go home. Friday night most if the gang was out but Emma came and visited me. She had mascara running down her face, along with her tears. "Sodapop, he's gonna break up with me. I can't live without him. Sure we have been fighting for awhile but I still love him." She bawled, letting her self into my bed. "I should just give up" she let herself out onto the pillow. I rubbed her shoulder trying to comfort her, but I don't know much about love, I do talk about it a lot though.

"Please don't give up yet. Let's tell you something. My dad said he loved me. He said he loved my mother, and then he left my mother He took me away from that crazy bitch... But I guess that's just the way it is and love doesn't always work." I explained trying to make her feel better

"I don't understand" she brought her head out of the pillow

"That's life that's how it works here but when you find love I guess it's really beautiful or at least that's what I've read in books. And I don't know as much as I say I do, but I know theirs a reason why everybody wants it so much." Ponyboy was mine, he was my first true love. But I'm too young to know exactly what it felt like, you know.

"And what's that?" She questioned my encouragement.

"It's the closest thing we have to magic. Don't give up yet"

Love is in the Air (outsiders fanfiction)completeWhere stories live. Discover now