Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Sophie's POV

I woke up several hours later. The house was pitch black. I laid my head back down and closed my eyes. After about 20 minutes I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. I sat in piece thinking of the chances I will go to this school. Would the gang miss me? My grandparents? Anyone? I don't think so. And if I really wanted to dance, I have to go. A tear slid down my cheek. This is too much for a young girl, I don't know if I can do this. "Hey, you're awake" Dallas came and sat by me. "Yeah, but I can't fall back asleep" he put his arm around me. "You can't let the dance thing change anything about you" Dallas whispered. "Dallas I haven't been able to sleep since my family died two months ago. Susie, Joan, Robby, they were all under the age of 8 and they are dead, my parents? They were both young I think 35, they still had a lot to live for. And me, what can I do? I can spin three times in a row, do the splits. But what else, I'm decent at school but not smart enough to go to college Dallas, these are the things that keep me up at night." I bawled. "I understand, I'm sorry, I wish we could help" he stood up and walked away "you can help me." I whispered. I tilted my head back and stayed awake the rest of the night. Darry was the first up. I was already dressed for dance "morning pumpkin, how do you feel?" Darry asked opening the door to get the newspaper. "Fine, I gotta leave for dance In about a half an hour." He nodded. "Want breakfast?" He asked. "Nope" I shook my head. "Are you sure? You didn't eat dinner last night." I patted my stomach. "Had a big lunch" I giggled. "Alright fine" he sighed and went to the kitchen "I'm gonna leave so I can get their early. I needed air. I was half way their when I saw Cori and twobit staggering on the side walk. Cori was laughing crazily and push Twobit in the street. Luckily Tulsa doesn't wake up until 10. I ran and shoved Twobit back to the side walk. "Be careful" I reprimanded. "Oh h-hey Soph" Twobit waved. They reeked of alcohol. "Don't drive until you're sober" I snapped. Tears flooded down my face, I was thinking of the drunk man that pushed my parents car off a bridge.

* night before*

Beth's POV

"Well I'm gonna go give Emma her medicine. Why don't you guys just go to bed. Sophie could use the rest." I said and went to the kitchen. I was seagoing through the cupboard. I was towards the back when arms were wrapped around me. "What do you say? Wanna have some fun tonight fiancé?" I smiled at Darry. "Yes please! Go get ready, I'll take care of everyone else." I found the medicine "hey Brynne can you go give this to Emma" Brynne ran In. "Mhm" she grabbed the pills and water I walked into the living room. "Okay, so Emma has the boys room and Sophie has the couch, who else is staying?" Dallas, Sodapop, Ponyboy, and Brynne raised their hands. "Alright. I assume Cori and Twobit won't be back until the morning. Johnny and Lexa where did they go?" I asked trying to figure out if we could be alone tonight. "They are sleeping at Lexa's house, her parents aren't home. And I'm gonna walk Brianna home and I'll just see y'all tomorrow" Steve said and stood up with his hands on Brianna's waist and guided her out the door "bye y'all" Brianna shouted. We waved back. "Okay Brynne gets the couch and you buys get the floor, don't bother Emma or Sophie, they need sleep." I requested. "Fine. Night Beth" "yeah night" "goodnight" I couldn't tell who was saying what I had my mind set on Darry.

Darry's POV (May get uncomfortable, but this won't be written well btw)

I laid shirtless on the bed awaiting Beth. She ran in and gently shut the door so it didn't make a noise. She pressed her back against it and put her fingers to her lips motioning me not to make a noise. I did so and guided her over to the bed. "Hey let me change Into pjs." She requested. "That won't be necessary." I winked. "Okay" she laid on top of me, kissed my neck aggressively. I went to grab a condom out of the nightstand drawer. "That won't be necessary" she mocked me. She left a trail of kisses down my stomach. *stuff happened* we did it beautifully 4 times. "Honey, we should be done for now" she said out of breath. "Yeah I feel the same" I huffed. She laid next to me still panting. I out her arm around her "I love you so much" I whispered. "I love you too" she smiled and we both drifted to deep sleep.

Brianna's POV

"Bye guys" we called out. Steve had his arm wrapped around me. "Hey babe, can I tell you something?" Steve sounded nervous "yes of course anything" I waited. "Well Sophie passed out because she was having a panic attack, she has to loose ten pounds and she said she isn't gonna eat. I'm just scared that something will happen at dance and she won't be able to go to her school thingy" I frowned. "I feel so bad for her, I mean she doesn't sleep because she has dealt with so much these past few months. Now she's won't eat. God" I put my hand to my forehead. "Hey it's alright babe, she's tough, she'll be fine" he lifted up my chin with his thumb. "I know, I know. Babe, when did you become friends with her?" I was just curious. "When I met you when we were all 5. You guys were best friends. Sodapop, Dallas and I 'flirted' with you and Johnny just sat behind." He laughed. "We were terrible kids. All of us were trouble makers" I cracked up. "Yeah well you're mine now" Steve said sexually. He pressed me against the closest tree and started sucking on my neck and kissing my lips. We went on for about 5 minutes until an old man with a BB gun ran out to us. He cocked the gun. We knew I wouldn't hurt us but we ran. "And stay off my property you..." He cussed us out and shot again. I screamed in pain. "That damn old bastard shot my leg" I was surprised it hurt so much. "Babe you'll be okay" Steve picked me up. "I know. It's barely bleeding it just stings." I retorted. "Well were almost to your house" he began to pick up his speed. He set me down on my feet "all good?" He asked. I glanced down at my leg and stretched it out. "Yep all good" he smiled and kissed my cheek. "I'll pick you up in the morning, okay?" I nodded. He began to walk away I just watched him until he was at the gate. I yelled "it was totally worth it Steve!" He waved. "I know bye" I waved back and headed inside to a dead house.

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