Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Lexa's POV

Brynne just finished telling her upsetting ex boyfriend story. He was a major creep, I'm glad I have Johnny. Suddenly a crash came from the bathroom. Darry, Beth, Sodapop, and Brianna ran to the bathroom. Steve and Sophie were already in their. Johnny slightly pushed me off of his lap to go see what happened. "Sophie passed out" he told us. I jumped up and went to the bathroom. "Hey, Lexa go clear the couch please" Darry forced me. "Yeah" I walked hurriedly back to the living room. "Guys clear the couch." I informed Twobit and Cori. The got up and leaned against the wall. "Lazy asses" Ponyboy muttered. I giggled and gave pony an thumbs up. Darry carried Sophie to the couch and Beth dabbed a wet clothe on her forehead. "I hope she isn't getting sick like Emma." Beth said out loud to everyone. Johnny stood up next to me and guided me outside. We sat on the bench. This was very unusual for Johnny, but I didn't mind being outside. He looked into my eyes for a second then our lips crashed together. We were aggressively kissing when someone cleared their throat.

Cori's POV

Damn all these people are passing out on us. It's weird, but I like different. "Well I'm gonna go get wasted, wanna come Cori?" I perked up. "Yes!" Darry and Beth looked at us. "You be careful with Cori you hear, she comes back in one piece." Darry reprimanded Twobit. "It's all good dar I can take care if myself" I grabbed my jacket and walked out with Twobit and saw Johnny and Lexa making out and Dallas was al the bottom of the porch. Dallas, Twobit and I just stared at each other. Dal smiled mischievously at us. He cleared his throat. "Oh hey guys" Johnny said and pushed hair behind his ear. "Sup Johnny," Twobit laughed. Lexa got red. "Awh com'on guys let them be, not like we haven't been caught before." I smiled and messed up Lexa's hair. "Thanks Cori" she fixed her hair. "Mhm, com'on Two let's go" I grabbed his hand and ran to his car. We arrived at the closest bar. "Two shots please" I ordered "damn that's girly, make that one and I'll have a beer" twobit changed the order. "No two, those were just for me" I winked. He grinned. "Okay two shots and one beer please" the guy gave us out alcohol. I snapped my drink back. I felt it pumping through my veins. "Feels good to let loose once in awhile, don't it?" Twobit nudged me. "Sure dose by I'm pretty chill already." I looked a different way towards the dance floor. "Wann-" I was cut off "two more shots" the waiter guy gave me more. "I d-didn't order these?" I questioned. "Yeah I know, that guy did." He pointed to a 50 year old man. He half toothless, bald, red beard smiled and winked at me. I shivered and turned toward Twobit and kissed to give that guy a hint that I wasn't interested. We both pulled away and smiled. I gulped down both of the shots at the same time and marched to the dance floor motioning for Twobit to follow he did and we had a great, drunk, night of dancing and joking.

Emma's POV

I woke up to a loud crash from what sounded like the bathroom. So with all my energy I had left I stood up shakily and took a step towards the door, every step smaller and wobbly. I tried making my self look decent but screw it, I'm sick. I slowly walked down the empty hallway using the wall for support. I finally got to the living room. Johnny, Lexa, Cori, and Twobit were gone. And Dallas just walked in. I stood their for awhile until Dallas saw me. Everyone else was surrounding the couch. "Hey I heard you were sick? You look terrible" Dallas retorted. "No shit Dallas, I have a fever if 102 my head is pounding and I feel like complete shit. I just had to see what the crash was." He looked around the gang. "Sophie passed out now go back to bed." He said. "No get Sodapop." I pouted sitting down and put my elbows on my knees and my head in my arms. "Emma? What are you doing out if bed?" Sodapop asked worriedly. "I wanted to know what happened and 'cough' I was bored." I mumbled into my legs. He gently picked me up. "Damn you're still burning up" he said. My eyes were open now. "And you're pretty cute too" I smiled and coughed. He set me down on the bed. "Their now sleep, I'll see you in the morning." He kissed my forehead and walked away. Friend zone? I thought. No we might just be more than that.

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