Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Sophie's POV

School just ended and I, or course, had dance. But since it's something I love I put so much time into it. "Bye guys" I waved to Emma, Twobit, Lexa, and Johnny. Ponyboy and Brynne raced to the house. And Dallas? He skipped today. I picked up my pace when I realized it was almost 3:30 which is the time dance starts.

*at dance*

"Okay so solos this week is Chloe, Maddie, and Sophie." My teacher instructed. "Their will be no group number this week. Nor duets. Got it. Okay everyone else is dismissed except you three" she pointed to me and the others. I was doing a lyrical piece, which are favorite.

*after dance*

I was struggling with my heavy back pack and dance bag. "Mind if I help?" A random voice asked. "No I'm good." I said to him and kept walking. "No really it's no big deal. I can give you a ride too" he went to grab my back pack. "Stop, get your hands off of me" I screamed. He kept trying "ass hole" I yelled. He pushed me down on the side walk. He kneeled down besides me with his hands on my shoulders so I couldn't get up. "Man, get your hands off my girl" Dallas yelled and pushed this man off of me. "Where is she?" The man screamed at both of us. "Who" Dallas and I were both puzzled. "Brynne. Brynne Smith" he simply said and drove off in his dark tan car. Dal and I grabbed my bags and ran home to protect Brynne.

Emma's POV

School just finished and sodapop came to pick me up, well walk me home since Beth had one car at home and Darry had the other. "Hey Em are you excited for tonight?" He asked as we met up and hugged. "Yes!" I said into his shoulder. "Did Brianna come by?" I asked him. "No. But I was just gonna ask you the same thing" he replied. "Some rumor was being spread today that she got suspended for smoking pot on campus." I said to him. "It's probably true, she hasn't been herself since last night" he said. "C'Mon let's get home. Don't want to be late for tonight." He put his arm around me. This was fantastic.

*at home*

Beth and Clare were on the couch. Steve was drowning his sorrows in cake Twobit and Cori were making out and the rest were doing homework. Well Darry was still at work. "Hey Beth can I borrow a dress?" I asked her. She looked up from doing Clare's hair. "Yeah their in Darry and my closet." She responded and went back to Clare's hair. I walked in and it was probably the cleanest of rooms in the house. That's probably why they hardly ever let anyone in here. I opened the closet and found one of Beth's dresses from high school "perfect" I whispered excitedly. I walked out and found Sodapop leaning against the wall across from me. "Shoo don't look at my dress I want it to be a surprise" I pushed him away and put my hand over his eyes. "Fine. But I bet you'll look perfect" he laughed at my reaction. I walked to Ponyboys room where Brynne and Ponyboy were. "Hi guys" the turned their attention from their books to me. "I love that dress" Brynne motioned to it in my hand. "Thanks. Um could I use this room for a second. I need to get changed." They nodded. "We actually just finished." Ponyboy said and smiled at her. "Yeah I'm gonna teach pony soccer." She said and got her ball. "Good luck" I teased pony. She laughed and they left the room. I changed into the pink lacey dress. I found a pair of someone's white heals and in my back pack I found a few bracelets and earrings. I curled my already wavy dark brown hair. I added mascara only because too much black makeup sometimes ruin my bright blue eyes. I took a step back and thought, I looked stunning.

Sodapops POV

Emma walked out in a pink lacey dress along with white heals. She looked beautiful. "Wow you look so pretty" I said and hugged her. "Let's get going before it gets too dark." I said and took her hand. "We are going out to dinner guys." I said to everyone that was in the living room. "Oh Emma I think you wear that dress better than I did" Beth commented. "I remember that dress" Darry said and wrapped his arm around Beth. "My sister is so grown up" Johnny said to Emma "be careful with her soda, or so help me" Johnny warned me. "we will be fine" Emma said to him and kissed Johnny's cheek. We both smiled and waved bye to them. "So where are we headed?" She asked me. "Well the dingo then a surprise."she squealed. We arrived at the dingo and ordered. I knew we would both order a cheese burger and fries so I did a romantic thing and ordered for her. "This is nice. We should go out more often" she said to me and took a drink of her pepsie. "Yeah," then our food came. We both scarfed down our food, I paid the bill and took her hand and led her out the door. "So where are we going now?" She questioned. "You'll see" whispered into her ear and covered her eyes. We were almost to the park when it started to pour. "Oh shit, you shouldn't be out in this weather" I said to here. "No I'm fine, just we can run to the next spot" she suggested. I uncovered her eyes and told her to follow me to the park. She kept up pretty well. Once we arrived I grabbed her hand and led her to the slide, where we shared our first kiss. We sat down under it. Our heads touched the top so we had to scrunch down. "Emma Cade, I love you so much. I'm not sure if I've ever stopped. You've been my best friend since kindergarten. I love you so much. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked tears threatening to come out of my eyes. "Yes absolutely sodapop, I've loved you all these years but didn't know how to say it. I love you" she responded and our lips crashed. Just like the first time we kissed only this time it was going to last.

Brianna's POV

"Oh shit" It just started raining. I was about to light some up. I trudged to the park, this wasn't gonna get any better. I had no place to stay, I don't think I have a boyfriend, I have no friend, or family. I didn't know what to do. I fiddled with the pot in my hand. I can't give it up it's the only thing that keeps me sane. But I've lost everything over it. No. I have to keep it. I found the park and lowered my head protecting my face from the rain. I spotted the swing and say on it. I pushed my self up then back. I did that until I was as high as I could get. "Bri-Brianna? Is that you?" A girl asked, she was nowhere in sight. "Yeah it is, Brianna come here" a male man said. I stood up and was about to make a break for it. "No wait" the girl asked again. I was still confused. "Bri it's me Emma" the girl was now right in front if me. "Oh hi Emma, are are you with Sodapop right now?" My head was down. "Yeah. He just asked me out. Here come back with us. It's too cold out" Emma put here hand on my back. I tried to shake her off and run but Sodapop stood on the other side of me. We arrived at the place I dreaded going into. They walked in front of me when we got inside the fence. I timidly walked in. All eyes were on me when the door slammed shut. "Bri?" Steve asked with red puffy eyes. "No shit" I spat back. "Don't use that language in front of Clare" Beth screamed. "Woah, little bitch has gotta learn it some day." I yelled at Clare. She turned to Beth and put her head on Beth's shoulder and balled into it. "Calm down sweet heart" I said to her. "What has happened to you?" Steve asked and tried to get close to me. "You ruined me. I know it was Evie that made the move on you but I could totally tell you were into the cat fight I had with her. It hurt me ass hole" I screamed. He was still getting closer to me I backed all the way into the door and reached for the door nob. I grasped it and ran out. What the hell am I gonna do.

Beth's POV

Clare was balling into my shoulder. "How could she?" I asked Darry. He shrugged and rubbed Clare's back. Twobit ran up to her also. "Hey? Hey Clare? She didn't mean it. She's just a little crazy right now" he tried to comfort me. Suddenly their was a slam of a door and a cry. "It's okay, you're safe now" Ponyboy said, I craned my neck and saw Brynne crying hysterically. I jumped up and ran to them, Darry was right behind me. "What happened?" I asked Brynne. "B-Brice is back. He's gonna kill me and hurt you guys" she balled Darry grasped her and pulled her into a hug. "He's not gonna hurt you or anyone of us." I reassured her. We stood their quiet "why don't you just go rest" Darry hugged her again. Ponyboy put his hand on her back and led her to the room. "Darry I have something to tell you" I said quietly, I was nervous but I knew he wanted this. He nodded for me to continue. "I'm pregnant" he wrapped his arms around me tight and spun me around. "Oh baby that's great" he smiled "really great" a tear rolled down his cheek. "Let's wait to tell the gang, I don't need fussing" I smiled. "Okay. So my baby is really inside if you" he kissed my stomach. "Well yes" I giggled. Our lips were about to meet when Dallas yelled "Beth! Darry! Come here" he frowned and walked to the room. Sophie was crying and was leaning on dally. "Brice. He's back we gotta warn Brynne." Sophie sniffled. "We know. She's really upset." Darry said and motioned for her to sit. I felt a tug on my pants it was Clare. "Whose Brice?" She asked. "A bad man honey" I said and picked her up.

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