Chapter 9

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Steve's POV.

I saw the way Twobit looked at Cori. It made me like Brianna even more. I'm not sure why but it did. Just the idea that someone this special came into my life. And to think it all started over a broken brake on her car. I remember that day. I was jealous that Sodapop had Sandy and I was stuck in the garage talking it out with Sophie. She was mad too because her dance team just lost something, I don't remember that part. All I remember was staring off into space and seeing this girl with brown wavy hair bounce in. She was looking for me to fix her car. She remembers it as love at first sight but I'm a boy. I shouldn't talk like that, right? Well anyways it's been a good year with Brianna. Shes so wonderful. She has such a great attitude towards life. The timer from the oven cut through my thought. "Stevie want some cake?" Brianna asked "hell yeah I want some" she cut a piece of delicious cake and handed it to me along with a kiss on the cheek.

Beth's POV.

Dallas just got back from dropping Sophie off. Darry and I just finished our slice of cake and with that he grabbed his tool belt and left for work. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Telling him to be careful. "Guys? I would love to stay in this t shirt and shorts forever but I need to go home and change." Cori stated. "I'll drive you just let me go put my hair up." I volunteered. "Okay, thanks" she smiled. "Well we should be getting to work" Steve said and kissed Brianna on the for head. "Bye guys" pony shouted. Emma was still laying on the floor, looking half asleep. "Emma you're covering up part if the tv" Twobit pouted. "Awh shut it Two she isn't looking too hot" Johnny piped up. "Here I'll take her to Ponys room." Brynne said and grabbed Emma's hand and guided her towards the room. "Well okay, I'll check on her later, Brianna wanna come with us to Cori's house?" I asked. "Sure why not." We drove mostly in silence "take a left here than go straight and it's right on the left" Cori instructed. We parked the car she guided us to come in. Brianna and I felt a little unsure because most greaser parents don't give a shit, about anyone, anything. "Mom? Dad? I'm home and I brought some new friends." Her parents looked fairly normal jeans and button up shirts. "Hi, I'm Bethany and this is Brianna" I introduced myself. "Oh hello, we are mrs. And mr. Slamp. But call us Shea and Andy please." We smiled. "Well I'm just gonna get some clothes and stuff. I might be at their house for a few days. Is that cool?" Her parents smiled. "Yeah absolutely honey." "Anything for you" I was officially creeped out. No parent cares that much. Soon she came back done in jean shorts and a Mickey t shirt. "Bye guys love you" she waved and left. "Wow you're parents are.." "Crazy I know" Cori cut off Brianna. "Well I was gonna say nice but crazy definitely fits too." She stated.

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