Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Beth's POV

"Beth, this might be a bad time to ask but..." Darry said and got on one knee. "Will you marry me?" I was speechless, "Yes" I managed. He slipped the ring on my finger and hugged me tight. Tears were streaming down my face. "What's wrong?" Darry asked. "I just love you so much!" I said wiping the tears off my cheeks. "Let's go tell the gang." I jumped up. I still had tears in my eyes. We slowly walked up. "Guys," I lowered my face trying to fake them out. "What's wrong?" Brianna sat up on Steve's lap. "W-we are getting MARRIED!" All the tension in the room lifted up "really! Congrats!" Lexa, Brianna, Brynne, Cori, and Sophie hugged me, laughed and smiled. "What's the difference, they act like they are married already" Twobit slurped up his beer, dumbfound. "Congratulations buddy" Steve patted Darry's back. We made eye contact from across the room. I love this man with a deep passion.

Sophie's POV

We just found out Beth and Darry were getting married soon! I was so happy for them, but at the same time, I want a boyfriend of my own. I've always had little feelings for Dallas but he likes slutty girls, like all of his ex's. I grabbed my dance bag and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed the flyer for the dance camp in New York.
Must be at least 5.7
Must have at Least 5 years at competitive dance school
Must weigh 110 pounds or under.
I had the first two clear but I'm 120 pounds. I mean I'm not fat, most of it is muscle. I have too cut back on food I guess. I had my head in my lap sitting on the toilet. Some one knocked on the door. I stood up and fixed myself. "Hey, what's up?" It was Steve. Him and I were always close, I told him everything, even with that huge mouth he has. "I have to loose 10 pounds" I cried into his shoulder. "Nah girl, you're perfectly skinny" he replied. "No man you don't get it, my teacher wants me to go a dance school in New York. I have to go, I've worked too hard." I explained started to hyperventilate. "Woah, that's great! Buddy, you gotta breathe for me"Steve tilted my head up. I didn't care, I was freaking out. Everything, the gang, my parents, my grandparents. "I'm broken Steve. I lost my family two months ago, no one is here for me, none of you understand" I screamed. The yelling in the living room died down. Beth, Darry ran to the bathroom door, along with Sodapop and Brianna. It was too late, I passed out.

Brynne's POV

Ponyboy and I were really hitting it off. He loved reading and movies, but who doesn't these days? Well I guess Dallas Winston hasn't read a book, ever. I was going through my bags to make sure my writing book was in their. I pulled it out and sighed in relief that it was still their. It had about 3 years of songs and poems. But hell I'll never let anyone read them. "Ooo what's that?" Ponyboy asked. "Nothing just an old notebook." I flipped through it, even if pony saw it. I feel like he wouldn't judge me. Then a picture of me and my old boyfriend Brice from Montana. I shivered. I remember the dark cold December night. I was at his house and his parents weren't home. I was barely 14 he was 16. He easily took advantage of me. It was close but I managed to get up and storm out. But for the past three months I've seen him lurking in the back ground of everything. I was frightened of Brice. He was my number one thing I was afraid of. Back in January he grabbed my waist and pushed me against the locker and kissed my neck until teachers and his friends pulled him off. A couple of other scenes like that happened. Like on valentines day, I was sent a dead flower with a note that said you'll be mine someday. I knew it was him. To be honest I haven't opened that book since I put that picture in their which was back around valentines day actually. I snatched the picture off the floor and ripped it into pieces. "Who was that?" Sodapop questioned. "My crazy ass raper boyfriend" I angrily said. A tear slipped down my cheek. "It's okay, he doesn't know you're in Tulsa, right?" Ponyboy comforted me. "He doesn't know" I reformed him. "Good... Now let's get to this" he pointed to one of the songs I had written right after the incident last December. "It's fantastic!" Pony patted my back. "You should sing it!" Cori pipped in. "Yeah, please?" Lexa begged. "Maybe if you catch me singing in the shower but I don't really feel comfortable just singing in front of people, while they are watching" I explained. They all turned their back. "Nope, still not doing it. But I'll give you the title. 'Because of you' I wrote it soon after the incident last December" I put my head down. "What happened?" Darry asked. "Brice, my ex boyfriend tried to rape me, then he stalked me after I rejected him." I put my head on Ponyboys shoulder. "Oh well you're safe now" Beth came and gave me a hug. "Yeah, finally home" pony winked. I grinned, I liked this boy, he was different.

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