Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Beth's POV

Darry and I went to bed first. I undressed so I was only in my under clothes. Darry and I decided tonight we shouldn't 'do it' because of all the company we had in the living room. I heard mumbling in the kitchen earlier. I knew it was one of the kids, I would of went out there but Darry had his bare, muscular arm tightly wrapped around me. So I drifted off once again. The next time I woke up it was 7ish. Darry and I both heard the door slam. I sighed "maybe Emma is home. Hopefully. It's too dangerous outside, and it was pretty chilly last night." Darry nodded. He kissed my neck. I rolled on top of his body passionately kissing his lips. He smiled. It felt like we had the world to ourselves. Just ours, no one could ruin it. Life was good. Until we heard a cry from the living room. Both Darry and I jumped up. He had no pants or underwear on so he found some and slipped on a pair quickly. I was already out the door with the sheets wrapped around my body. Almost everyone was awake now and starring at. Sandy? She had a bag of groceries laying on the ground with a terrified look. She was crying at soda and Emma who were laying next to each other. "Sodapop, what the hell" she screamed so loud china could hear her. "Sandy you're a fake" Emma protested. "I saw you kissing Rider a few weeks ago in the back alley. I didn't tell Soda but I should of" Rider was an asshole that went after every girl. Darry broke his nose when her tried to get me. Emma yelled feeling satisfied. Sodapop stood up and walked to Sandy. And started picking up the groceries he picked up the flour, sugar, chocolate chips then he stopped. He looked at all of us with teary eyes and picked up an open pregnancies test box. "Sandy?" She looked pleased with herself. "I guess we are even." She waved around a positive test. I gasped. "Get out" I yelled. "Here sweetie you might want one." Sandy tossed me the box. "We didn't do anything last night or this morning. Bitch. I'm more responsible than you. You'll probably kill the baby inside of you and..." Soda me cut me off. "We are done. Get out of this house. Now," he spat. "Good luck with that slut.

Dallys POV

"Man that bitch is crazy." I snarled. Sodapop glared at me. "She..." He began to defend her "shes what?" He finished "a bitch, I can't believe her" Sodapop put his head down. Emma hugged him to comfort him. She looked at me and winked. We have always had that friendship. She tells me everything because I won't tell a soul. I stared at Sophie. She looked happy and tired. "Yo Soph how much sleep did you get last night?" She lowered her head too and looked back up. "Plenty" she rubbed her forehead. "Lies. She was up with me. She couldn't sleep." Sodapop protested. "Really, doll why wouldn't you tell me?" She looked into my eyes. "I didn't want anyone to worry." She answered. "Well why don't you go to my room and rest." Pony suggested. She stood up. "I would love to but I have dance rehearsal. Oh shit what time is it?" "7:30" Brynne replied. "Okay I gotta hustle the hell up ass holes" She spun around. We all applauded. "Watch your language Sophie" Darry reprimanded. It was quiet. I asked. "Really? This early" she nodded. "I'm gonna go change" she leapt and left the room. "Well since we are all up and we have all these ingredients, let's make cake." Twobit suggested. We all bursted into laughter. "Sure buddy let's go make some cake"

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