Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Sophie's POV

*at lunch*

(Oh ps guys we are just going to pretend this story starts in November)

This lunch was quieter than usual. Everything has changed this past week. Cori dyed her hair, Brynne is a nervous wreak, Brianna has finally broke, Lexa won't touch her food, Emma couldn't be happier with sodapop, and Beth, well Beth is the same motherly figure. I'm still the same, dancing and sorta quiet. "Hey Twobit hand me a straw please" emma asked from the other side of the table. "Yeah here" he reached out than his arm knocked over his milk all over the table. Everyone just kinda looked at each other so I grabbed some napkins and started to whip it up. "Goodie" Dallas said from besides me. "What?" I asked. "Your being a good person you're too soft for Tulsa" he replied and left. If only he knew I went against the rules. I have a tattoo on my lower right back. Since it's winter, I can cover it up with long sleeves. I got this tattoo back when my family died in September. I was broken so I went and got one. it's a picture of a women with flowers and the banner below it has nothing on it. I left it blank because I had nothing to say at the funeral. Another reason is because Dallas has never really liked me or has said he has. So I left it blank. I threw away the soggy napkins and grabbed my tray and left for class

Brianna's POV

I've been sober since last night. I was mortified seeing Steve cry. I couldn't take it. I'm still in love with him it's just I hate that he was into that fight. He should have supported me. Since I wasn't at school I decided to try to make peace with Steve. So I walked to the DX trying to decide if I should or not. I slowly opened the garage door and only saw Steve's legs because he was under the car. "Um hi" I spoke softly so I didn't scare him. I did that once and he about cracked his head open. He recognized my voice and still hit his head under the car. "Brianna?" He yelled. I had my head down still ashamed of myself. He ran over to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry" he cried. "I should of been supporting you, I'm sorry, I need you to keep me sane" he said into above me with his chin on my head. "It's okay" we released. "Now... Steve I didn't come here to reunite. I-I I just don't think it'll be the same ever again. I'm not sure we can be together and still be happy" he looked at me with sorrow. "You know I wish I could take it back, coming to look for you. I should of just believed you, I'm sorry" I said and ran out. "Now where am I gonna go." I mumbled to myself and sat on a bench crying when a car door being slammed interrupted my thoughts.

Emma's POV

After school we all walked to the DX because Soda and Steve's shift ended at 4. Sophie parted ways and left for dance, which scared me that she walks by herself. we arrived at the DX and it was the same gloomy tension going on today like it was at lunch yesterday. Sodapop had his arm around Steve, who was crying. "I don't know man, she just left, she said it wouldn't be the same if we were together" he said mainly to Soda but knew we were all listening. "Hey guys" sodapop said with grief. "Hi" we mumbled back. "Hey babe" sodapop said and kissed my cheek. "Hi" I hugged him. "Wow this store is crowded with all of us" Dallas said squished in between ponyboy and Twobit. "Buddy don't you want to be close to me" Twobit pinched Dally's cheek. "Do that again and you're dead" dal warned. "I thought you loved me" Twobit faked cried. We all burst in laughter. Even Steve chuckled. "Well our shift is about done. How about we get heading home." Sodapop said to all of us.

Emma's POV

We were all walking. I noticed Lexa was gently touching her lip and flinched "hey Lexa What happened to your lip?" I said and removed her hands. "Oh those socs from earlier tripped me and it split open" I side hugged her. "Maybe we should have a rumble" Twobit said. "Yeah great idea babe, socy girls against tuff greasers, good idea" Cori said sarcastically. "Whatever, but we will have a rumble soon right?" Twobit asked. "Maybe, but I don't see how it does any good" I said and shrugged and walked back up to sodapop.

Steve's POV

I was heart broken about Brianna, but I will make her my girlfriend someday. We were walking past the park when we saw a blue mustang parked by a park bench. All we saw were their heads because the car from this angle was covering whatever or whoever was on the ground getting a pounding. Then we heard a squeal and scream. "Oh shit guys that Brianna" I yelled and sprinted across the street and found my Brianna getting a beating from the socs. "Hey get your hands off" I warned. "Get lost pal she's ours" Bob yelled. "Hell no Bob. Beat it or this" Cori yelled and punched him right in the nose. He slapped her back and she fell. "Hands off pal" Twobit yelled and tackled Bob. I was fighting off another guy while the rest helped. Except Lexa and Johnny. They were running to the Curtis house to see if Darry was home. I punch the guy so hard he passed out and fell on Brianna. She looked half conscious. This scared me. I helped out Brynne and Emma who had some blood on their faces and were trying to punch the soc. I tapped his shoulder and right when he spun around I hit him so hard he fell too. "Go home!" I instructed. They both took off running. Only one soc was still standing and when he saw five anger boys and Cori standing their he took one good kick at Brianna and ran off. Steam was basically pouring out of my ears. Bri had bruises and scratched all over. She looked broken. I picked her up and ran to the Curtis's with the rest of the gang. We met the girls and Johnny and Darry running towards us. Darry offered to take her but I said I wants to hold her. We rushed inside. "Oh my god," Beth yelled and carried Clare out of the room, who was in tears at the sight of Brianna.


So how do you guys like this story so far? I've gotten some feed back but I still appreciate all of you that read it. Thank you! Lol half of you
that are reading this are girls that are in this story :) ily thanks for the votes also!

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