Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Brynne's POV

I've had four visitors in the past two days in this horrible basement. The rope tied around my hands finally cut through my skin. That damn charm bracelet makes it worse, it digs so deep into my skin, when, if, I get outta here I'll have an imprint on my wrist for awhile. I haven't eaten in 3 days now. If Brice wants me to even be here he's gotta feed me. The door burst open. Speak of the devil, and friends. He trudged over pretty happy of my situation. He put his hand on my neck and forced me to sit up. His 'guests' have him five dollars and I rolled my eyes. Brice left the room and came back with a pot of sloppy joe meat. He poured it onto a plate and yelled. "Eat it!" I shot a glare at him. "If you'd kindly get me a fork and untie my hands they yes I'll eat it" I snapped back at him. "You will not talk to me like that in this house" I was angry now. "Do you really think I wanna be here. You're more crazy than I thought you were" he flipped his blade out and cut my arms, not too deep, but enough to scream. "Eat it now or it'll get worse" he threatened. "I-i... Fine Brice. But I'll win at some point" he scoffed and scooted the plate closer to me. I bent down and started eating like an animal. I was, an animal on display, people paying the zookeeper to watch me eat, I'm trapped in a cage just like every other animal out there.


Sorry this chapter is so short. Today I won't get to she needs help or break away because I'm unpacking my sister for college and won't have time to update. Hopefully tomorrow morning I can update one of these three stories

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