Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Johnny's POV

We were all walking back home. Sodapop was still upset with everyone and was lagging behind our huge group. I was holding hands with Lexa. She has always been a quiet person. That's what I loved about her. She was just a misunderstood young girl, that I've always had a crush on. "Hey Johnny I left my extra jacket back at the lot when you came to pick me up. Can we go get it?" I smiled this was my chance. "Guys Lexa and I are gonna go get her jacket from earlier at the lot. Cya soon!" Dallas heard my excitement and winked. I grinned more. "Let's go Lexa" *at the lot* "Johnny?" "Lexa?" We said at the same time. "You go first" we said again "no you" again we talked at the same time. "Fine. I really like you and..." She cut me off by kissing me softly on the lips. I kissed back enjoying it. She pulled away slowly. "I love you," she said and paused "have for a long time now" I finished "I love you so much" we hugged and searched for her jacket. "There" she pointed at it. "Okay let's go. It's cold" I said putting my arm around her. "Hey can we go five this to Emma. She sleeping some where in here right?" Lexa suggested. She's so sweet. "Yeah. I think I know where" we headed to the park and saw Emma under the slide, where her and Sodapop kissed when we were all 8 and thought we all had girl-boy germs. Lexa and I gently laid it on her and walked back to the house.

Brianna's POV

Lexa and Johnny just left to find her jacket. I knew she was happy to be alone with Johnny. They were meant for each other. "Hey, are you alright, Beth told me what happened when you were running." Steve questioned concerned. I nodded. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just couldn't catch my breath I guess." I put my arms around his neck and jumped on his back. "Carry me?" He laughed "I already am, aren't i?" I giggle "I guess." I looked at everyone. Darry and Beth looked adorable as ever. He protectively had his arm around her she had her head on his muscular arm. Dally and Sophie awkwardly walked right next to each other. Soda was behind me pouting which was unusual because he is always happy and doesn't care what we say to him. Pony was smiling like crazy next to Brynne, she looked happy too! I can't wait to get to know her. "Stevie are we almost there" I asked "yeah just a block more. I rested my head on his shoulder and was out before we got to the Curtis'.

Brynne's POV

How the hell did I get this lucky. Finding such sweet people already? I was walking by myself for about 30 seconds until a cute Burnett walked up with a crazy smile on. "Hi" he just kept grinning. "Hey I'm Brynne" I stuck my hand out. "I'm ponyboy!" He pronounced excitedly. "So Pony, what are you into?" I asked wondering if I had anything in common with this cute kid. "I like reading a lot and I run in track." I smiled he's a chill kid "cool! I like writing and reading and I act and sing a lot you could say" "so got parents here" I hated this subject. "Well, my mom was extremely abusive after a family problem and my dad took me away this morning from Montana and dragged me here, which I'm thankful for. But at the hotel things got loud and he was being plain rude so I ran out... With my bags which the socs took." I huffed. "Aw that's alright. We will look tomorrow but you can borrow someone's clothes I'm sure." He paused "hey can Brynne use someone's clothes until we find hers" He yelled. Steve shushed him and pointed to Cori? I think on his back. "Yeah se can use mine!" A girl replied "thanks Sophie" I waved "yeah thanks...Sophie?" Pony looked at me. "We can introduce you when we get home." He smiled. I looked deep into those green grey eyes. Damn they were gorgeous. "Okay!"

Sodas POV

I feel bad for Emma. I mean she's my best friend but I love Sandy? A lot? Well maybe my feeling are mixed but Sandy is my girlfriend. We arrived at home. I was the last in. "Guys this is Brynne. That's Twobit, Cori, Darry, Beth, Steve, Brianna, dally, Sophie, and sodapop. The other three are at the park." Suddenly the door shut. "That's Lexa and Johnny." She smiled. "Hey guys!" She yawned "guys it's getting pretty late we should get to bed" Darry said and guided Beth to her bed room. Everyone parted to different spots In the house. It was packed. I was still wide awake sitting on the floor in the kitchen because everywhere else was taken. "Can't sleep?" A voice surprised me "yeah" I didn't even bother looking. "Me either. I don't sleep much. School has just been so tough" the person sat next to me. Sophie. "Yeah well you look beat, I think you should try." I suggested. "I tried. Nothing works." She shrugged. "Oh okay well I might try to go to bed. I'm not in the mood to talk." With that I left her alone in the kitchen. I laid down by the tv with two pairs of feet in my face. *next morning* I woke up earlier every one was asleep. The door carefully shut. I turned around to see Emma with her back to me. "Hey" I said my voice was horse. "Hi" she shivered. I handed her my blanket. She surprisingly took it. "I'm sorry. I just get so upset with people doubting me about Sandy." She nodded "I understand." She put her head down. I stood up not knowing what I was about to do. "Hey I...I love you a lot. I'm sorry." I said staring deep into her eyes. I kissed her passionately. She kissed me back. I felt her arm it was freezing " you're so cold" I retorted. "Yeah well it was freezing last night" I pulled her into me and we laid on the floor softly kissing each other. We talked for an hour and was interrupted by a door slam and a cry.

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