Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Brianna's POV

This Cori girl seemed cool. She had silky, beautiful strawberry blonde hair. Her skin looked so smooth. She came out of the back room with a purple backpack in her hands. It wasn't zipped all the way and a copy of To Kill a Mocking bird plopped out. Ponyboy scrammed to pick it up. "I love this book" he exclaimed. "Yeah I've read it a few times." She shrugged as if she didn't feel comfortable. "When we get you all cleaned up. I'll show you my collection if books!" Ponyboy was excited about her but she was way to old for him. "Say, Cori how old are ya" Darry asked. "Well I'm 18" she smiled. I glanced at pony he looked upset. We will find someone. I'm all about love. Out of the blue Steve picked me up carefully. "Hi" I grinned. He leaned down and kissed me gently on the forehead. "Aw you're so...." "Don't say it." He warned "sweet" I yelled and jumped out if his arms with the girls following me. Lexa, Beth, Cori, Emma, and Sophie we are trailing me. We took rights and lefts and alleys until I collapsed. "Ugh I can't breathe" the girls all halted. "Neither can we." I put my hand on my chest. "No really. I can barely breath" I croaked. They instantly surrounded me. Minutes passed. I was feeling light headed but could take full breaths again. "Sorry guys I'm not sure what happened back there" they all nodded. "No worries probably just a virus" Lexa responded. "Help!!!!" We heard a girl scream.

Darry's POV

We have been looking for the girls for awhile now. "Where the hell did they go?" Sodapop questioned. "I don't..." "Help!!!" We all heard the voice scream as loud as it could. It was so loud glass probably shattered. We all scanned around until we heard "help!!" Coming from the lot. "Aw hell if Lexa's hurt" Johnny put his hand on his head. We all ran houses passed and passed. We just continued to hear 'help' we all saw our girls running towards the red mustang. About 5 socs were surrounding a girl. Cori picked up a rock I think. Lexa stayed behind making sure they were all alright. And Brianna didn't look too hot right now, she was sorta pale. Ponyboy and Dally went straight towards the fight to help the girls. Two socs were already down but punches kept being thrown. Sophie fell to the ground after the soc hit her. The two socs on the ground tried to leave but twobit knocked them out. Dally went to plummet the soc that hit Sophie. Emma was helping Beth who was trying to stand up from being thrown to the ground. Suddenly a piece of glass shattered. Cori had busted to side window on the car. Suddenly the owner of the mustang flipped his switch open and charged towards Cori. Twobit was angry. He hit the guy once before he was out. Twobit grabbed Cori's hand and picked her up so she wouldn't get cut by the glass. Beth and I hugged. She saw a girl with dark brown, curly hair. And brown eyes. Beth and I walked over to her. "Hey, I'm Beth and this is my boyfriend Darry and our gang." The mystery girl looked up. To see the gang all cheering except Lexa, Johnny, and half of Brianna. She smiled and whipped her tears away "hi I'm Brynne. I'm new to Tulsa"

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