Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Brynne's POV

I woke up on the couch and saw all the other sleepy head boys on the floor. I sat up and saw Sophie was gone. I bent over and shook Ponyboy awake. "Mmmmm, what, It's too early?" He mumbled. "Sophie's gone" I explained. "She probably left for dance, she's very committed. Now let's go back to sleep" he yawned and put his head back down. Suddenly the door burst open and laughing Cori and Twobit stumbled in. "Get where's the party?" Cori asked. "It's sleeping" sodapop responded. "But it's morning?" Cori said. "That's the reason were sleeping" Dallas snapped. "Alright well I'm gonna go get me some beer" twobit said and skipped to the kitchen. The rest of us just laid back down in silence. "No Keith, you're still Drunk from last night, well this morning." Darry reprimanded. We all burst in laughter because Darry used his real name. "Fine but can we at least have some cake. Twobit here said you make great chocolate cake" Cori said and marched into the kitchen. "Will you quit your yelling. I have a head ache" Emma said and staggered into the living room rubbing her eyes. "Emma, honey, are you okay?" Sodapop rushed to her side side and sat her down on the couch. "Can I get you some orange juice?" What about a pillow? A blanket?" I smiled at her. She blushed. "Sodapop some orange juice would be lovely." She smiled and laid down on the couch. I walked over and whispered in her ear. "He totally likes you" I backed up to see her more flustered. "Well, I think he is still getting over Sandy. But maybe little feelings. I'll talk to you about it later he's coming" she blurted out quietly. I scrabbled over to the other couch. "Here you go" he handed her the juice and felt her cheeks and forehead. "You're still pretty warm." I stood up and felt her. "Yeah still pretty hot" I winked. She grinned. "Yeah pretty hot" he mumbled. I heard that. I snickered quietly to myself. "Back up before I get y'all sick" she coughed. We backed up and just talked for a little bit. "Hey Brynne can I talk to you outside?" Ponyboy asked. "Yep" we headed outside. "So I was wondering if you'd like to go out to a movie tonight?" I smiled so wide I bet I looked like a freak. "I'd love to Ponyboy!" I shrieked And hugged him. I tilted my head on his shoulders and saw his bright red ears and grinned. Maybe Ponyboy has feelings for me.

Johnny's POV

Lexa and I fell asleep to an empty house. We both knew her parents were coming home at 9 so we had until then to leave. She was already fast asleep by the time I put my arm around her. *next morning* the door slammed shut. I heard stomping coming up the stair cases then pounding on the door. "Oh shit" Lexa whispered. The door burst open and what stood there was a unhappy father. He matched over and whipped my arm off of Lexa. By this time we were sitting up. He picked up Lexa by the shirt and threw her off the bed making her fall to the floor. I jumped up and shielded her from her father. "Don't touch her" I whispered. "What did you say shy boy?" He screamed. "Damn it Lexa you could of at least picked a boy that wasn't afraid of his own shadow. Her father screamed at the both of us. "God just leave her alone" I yelled back. "You don't talk to me or see my daughter again, you hear?" He explained loudly. "No sir, I'm in love with your daughter" I grabbed Lexa's hand and ran out of her room with her. "You slut" her mother yelled. "Awh shut up mom" she screamed and kept running. We made it out of the house with just a few bruises. I gently touched Lexa's shiner. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to over sleep" she put her hands on my shoulders. "I could have woken up too" she added. "I know, but we are safe now. Maybe we can sleep at bucks or something until your-my parents calm down." I tried to calm her down. "Yeah maybe" we walked in silence for awhile on our way to the Curtis'. "So you really love me, huh?" She questioned. "Of course I do, you're mine and only mine" I kissed her cheek. "Well I'm in love with you too" and with that we walked hand in hand down the street.

Beth's POV

I woke up at the same time Darry had, but I was tired from last night. I rotated and got comfortable only to hear Twobit and Cori yelling in the living room. I stood up and grumbled over to the door. "Really guys other people are sleeping." They just blew me off. Then the door swung open. I expected it to be Steve and Brianna or Johnny. But instead the cutest little blond girl came running in "Beth" she screamed. "Clare how's it going?" I asked and picked "fine, but mr. Drunk forgot to pick me up at Susie's house" she pointed at Twobit who was hiding behind Cori. "Twobit? You got drunk instead of picking up your little sister?" Darry screamed. "It slipped my mind" he defended. "Sure" Darry said and went back to the kitchen. Sodapop snuck up behind Clare and grabbed her off of me. She yelped. "Sodiepop?" She wiggled and in his arms to face him "hi" he said and kissed her cheek. She placed a smooch on his cheek. "Why thank you bunny" he laughed and placed her on the ground. I walked to the kitchen where Darry was slaving away. I glanced back over my shoulder and saw Dallas, the Dallas Winston, tickling Clare. If that's possible, than anything is. "I hope we got lucky" I whispered to Darry. "Me too" he grasped my arm and spun me around and kissed me.

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