Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Brianna's POV

The house was dead when I woke up. I wasn't sure if my parents even came home from the bar or if they just poured their feelings into one more drink. That's what they always say, one more than I'll stop. I've stopped believing. I was eating a bowl of cereal and reading over the bills since we haven't paid the newspaper bill we haven't received any. I finished the bowl and went to clean it out. No water, Of course. So I just went to my room hustling to get out of this house. I put on a plain white t shirt with a red leather jacket along with blue skinny jeans. On my feet I slipped on my black converse. My hair was put in a high ponytail and a white bow was put in it. Right when I walked out of my trashy room Steve barged in. "Where's your parents" I shrugged. "Okay then it'll be okay if I kiss you" I nodded. "What happened to your voice?" He asked. "Nothing at all honey" I said sweetly. He pressed my body against the counter. He kissed me roughly. "Best morning ever" he smiled. "Shall we?" I grabbed his hand and walked out of the front door. "So where do you think your parents are?" He asked. "Probably still at the bar" I simply said. "I see" that's about all we said on the way to the Curtis' house. We walked in and saw Soda and Pony tickling Clare. "Bri-Brianna save me" Clare screamed. I grinned at how much energy this child had. "I'm coming Clare" I said and pounced on Sodapops back. Pulling him off. Ponyboy just backed off not wanting to take me on. "BRIANNA" Clare yelled and jumped grabbing my neck. I fell over with her on top of me damn that hurt. Steve got her off of me. "Hiya Stevie" Clare said and tapped his nose. She ran over to Twobit and sat in his lap to watch Mickey Mouse. I sighed and saw Emma sleeping on the couch. Ponyboy and Brynne we sitting on the ground talking. Dal was planning with his lighter, Soda, Steve, and I were standing while Darry and Beth were hugging in the kitchen. Steve put his arm around me and sat on the floor.

Lexa's POV

My eye stung. Blood was dripping off of my arms. I didn't realize how bad I was. I mean I've never been able to fight off my parents, I've been worse, but today hurt more because Johnny saw it happen. We reached the Curtis' house and slowly walked up the stairs. Johnny had his hand on my back making sure I didn't fall. He gently opened the door. From about four houses down you could hear all of them. Now it was completely silent you could hear a pin drop. "Oh Lexa what happened?" Beth scrambled from the kitchen to me. "M-my parents" I cried, literally tears came out if my eyes. "Oh honey, com'er" Beth hugged me, and Brianna joined in. Darry rubbed my back. "Here let's go get you cleaned up" Brianna took my hand and led me to the bathroom. I whipped my eyes with my other hand. 'This is my family' I thought.

Johnny's POV

"So many what happened?" Dally asked "well her parents got mad I slept over, but I think they were still wasted" I explained. "Well, was their anything for the parents to be unhappy about?" Steve smirked. "Damn it Steve, I'm too young for that" I yelled back. Everyone was shocked I responded more than one word, so they went back to their business. I walked over to Emma who looked slightly better. "Hey sis, what's up" I asked and twirled a piece of her hair. "Nothing absolutely nothing. In feeling a little better but I still feel like shit." She said and closed her eyes again. "Hey Em, can I get you anything?" Sodapop asked her. I glared up at him. "Woah, Johnny I don't know if you forgot but we are at peace now" she said at me. "Okay" I said and sat back down on the floor next to Ponyboy.

Sophie's POV

I left dance today with glares from all the other students. I found Darry outside in his truck waiting. "Hey?" I said confused that he was here. "Hi Soph. I didn't know your studio was all the way over here, in soc territory." He said. "Mhm. It took a lot to get in here" I explained and buckled up. "Well what do you say we go get a cheese burger, I mean you've got to be starving, you worked hard and didn't eat breakfast?" He questioned me. I bet he knew something was up. "Nah, I-I don't get h-hungry after dance" I made up an excuse. "Okay what ever" he said and started driving. "So anything new?" He asked. "Not really, my teacher just wants me to work harder" he nodded and then the silence continued. "Can I tell you something?" He asked. I nodded in confusion. Darry and I never had these conversations. "Well, I think you're beautiful, you don't need to loose weight. Now is their anything you want to tell me?" Damn it I knew he thought something was up. "Well Dar, I'm not gonna lie to you. My coach wants me to do a school in New York for three months and I have to be 110 pounds or under and I'm 120, so if that means starving myself than that's what I have to do. Damn it how did you know?" I explained. "Well, you haven't eaten anything since 3ish yesterday so you've gotta be hungry." He took one hand off the steering wheel and rubbed my shoulder. "Actually Darry I'm not hungry right now but I'll let you know when I am." With that we pulled up to a crazy house hold.

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