Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Brynne's POV

I laid their in pain. It's been about a day and Brice has raped me twice. Which is nothing compared to what I was in for. If Brice can get money anyway possible, he will do it. He once sold my grandmas watch at a bar I didn't even want to go into just so he could have a few drinks. He's low. I laid their with my hands tied extremely tight, the charm bracelet that the gang gave me for my birthday was digging into my wrist. I was laying down trying not to put anymore weight on my hands when Brice walked in with a bowl of macaroni and cheese. He fed it to me, but at this point I didn't care because I haven't eaten in two days. he gave me four or five bites then he threw it against the wall. He stood up, I prayed and prayed he would just leave, but instead be took out a knife and started to cut me up. Not too severely through, because once he's tired of me. Those cute are going to get deeper and longer. I just hope someone finds me by then. Brice put the knife away and went back upstairs. I was very quiet I had no one to talk to or comments to say, so I say nothing. I heard heavy knocks upstairs and shuddered. That means the 'only us' part lasted about 24 hours. The stairs creaked by the sound of footsteps. The door nob jiggled and then burst open by a old, half toothless, fat middle aged man. I backed away all the way to the wall, hoping I could just get out. The man pounced on top of me and started undressing. "Jesus, help me now" I prayed.

Darry's POV

It scares me to see Beth in so much pain. I was sitting in the waiting room with my head in my hands, and my elbows were placed on my knees. I felt a hand touch my shoulder so I looked up to see ponyboy teary eyed. "I'm sorry Darry. If I just would have gone with them I would be in the hospital and both of your children would be fine. I'm sorry" he cried into my shoulder. "Pone, now what do you think I would do if you were stabbed. Probably have the same reaction. Now I probably wouldn't be holding your hand" i joked just to ease the tension. "Curtis?" The doctor called out the same way he did last night. Pony patted my back and went back to Johnny. The doc guided me to the room. Beth was awake and laying down with a smile when she saw me. "Now it was nothing serious this morning. Just pains from the stab. We just wanted to make sure the bleeding stopped." He explained and left. I pulled up a chair by her bed. "So do you feel better?" I asked. "Yeah tons. The doctors gave me pain medicine." I nodded. "So Brynne still hasn't shown up, Brice kidnapped her for real. Ponyboys freaking out. He says it should be him instead of you" she looked shocked. "Bring him in here" she requested. I went and brought ponyboy in and stood by the door while she talked to him. It wasn't a very big room so I could hear everything. "Pony, now if you would of come with us, Brice might of killed you. I'm a tuff cookie. Or he could of kidnapped you also. And Darry and I couldn't live a second without knowing your safe" she leaned up but pony pushed her back down and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you buddy, can you go get the rest of the gang please?" He nodded and left the room. "That was so sweet of you honey" I squeezed her hand. Pony, Johnny, Dallas, Twobit, Sodapop, and Clare, who was in sodas arms. "Woah where's everyone?" She asked at the small number. "Cori and Lexa stayed home because Lexa didn't feel well last night and Emma is staying with Sophie at dance" Sodapop said. "You let them go by themselves? Are you kidding?" She practically yelled. "Emma insisted she would go by herself" Johnny pipped up.

"But Brice could get them, he knows what we all look like." She defended. "I think he's satisfied with Brynne" pony put his head down. "Pone, we will all look for her tonight." Dallas nudged him. "Okay" Clare wiggled out if sodas arms and jumped into My lap and played with Beth's hair.

"Baby, what happened to your head?" Beth questioned. "Darry hit me with a car door" she pointed to Me. Beth shook her head. "I'm gone for less than a day and you already had one kid get stitches. Get it together Dar" she laughed. We talked until the doctors forced us out when visiting hours ended. I kissed Beth's forehead and carried Clare out of the room.

Emma's POV

I found an empty chair in the studio. I'll be honest, the only dancing I've seen is when the gang gets too drunk and turns the music up really loud. Sophie always sneaks out or doesn't come home to tell us she has a dance show, so none of us have seen her. She was great, and the leader of the dance. She did six turns then the splits. Like how? It's so cool. "Okay ladies, that wraps up tonight. Go home, get some rest and be safe." The teacher said and walked to the back room. I was greeted by Sophie with a smile. "Hey that was amazing, you're so good! How have I never seen you dance before?" I playfully yelled. "I just don't like being adored over" she shrugged. "Well get used to is sister, because you'll be the biggest dance star of 1968" I said and motioned my hands like a billboard said her name as we walked into the sunset. "You're so sweet Emma. Thanks" she side hugged me. "So I don't know if you know but I really like Dallas and..." I cut her off "but you can't date him until you get back" she nodded. "It would be silly because he would forget about me" she lowered her head. "No don't worry, while you're gone I'll make sure he doesn't forget about you" I tried to cheer her up. We kept walking and laughing. Probably being very obnoxious to the people that were sleeping, because it was 9 pm. "Remember that one time when Twobit forgot to put the cake in the oven so when he figured it would be down he came back with just cake batter" Sophie was laughing so hard she had to stop walking and hold her side. "Stop stop" she put her hand up. We sat on the park bench to catch out breathe when I saw our shadows on the side walk then disappear. The a car door slam made us just up and start walking, we were pinned to the ground before you could say chocolate cake.


I'm planning on updating again tonight. It'll probably be Brianna's Sophie's, a bit of Dally's, and Johnny's probably! Let me know if you're excited and liked this chapter even though it's a bit boring.

Oh and just for fun. If a chapter gets to 10 votes I'll make a chapter of everyone's POVs :) ugh that sounds like a lot of work. But I'm ready for the challenge! only if it gets to 10 votes though! stay gold

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