Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ponyboy's POV

Our waitress came and as usual Twobit flirted with her. She didn't look too happy. Her smile was fake, I wouldn't be happy if I had to work here all the time. It's always filled with drunks and after dark the music blares. She replied "your silly but looks aren't everything" I laughed so hard. "Twobit looks like you've got a new rival. She's pretty funny." Brianna giggled. "Aw come one no one can compare to my face" he made a funny face. The table burst in laughter again. CRASH. We all turned around to see our waitress on the ground covered in out drinks. Cherry was smirking above her, saying something but I couldn't hear over the music. "Aw damn it our drinks" Steve said sarcastically snickering at the waitress. "Hey that is not funny, would you like to be humiliated like that" Brianna slapped his arm "well yes" he shot back. "You're an ass" Sophie added. "Hey don't get mouthie" Dal warned her. I laughed at the fighting. Twobit got up and walked over to the girl. And helped her up and said something. She hugged him to be funny and get him sticky. I smiled. She walked back and cleaned with a mop but her boss insisted her to get down on her hands and knees. So she did so. She got down and weakly smiled at me. Shoot I was staring. I waved. She cleaned up but not they best I saw her leave a puddle for Cherry to step in. Now that made me grin. "Pony what are you smirking at?" Lexa asked "oh nothing" I winked at Cori she gave me a thumbs up. "Okay, whatever" she replied. Cori came back with a new note pad and took our orders. Cori came back with our drinks and 10 minutes later with our food. "Hey babe why don't you come back with us and clean up." Twobit suggested. "I guess as long as it's okay with everyone." We all nodded in reply. I like this girl. She's cool

Brynne's POV

I was staring at the night time stars in Tulsa OK. They sure were pretty. My father was driving the car right now and he wasn't happy. My dark brown hair was in a messy bun and I had on Jean shorts and a blue short sleeve shirt and black jacket. Dad finally entered the city and the first hotel he saw he pulled up and went into the lobby. I stayed silent in the car the whole way there which was about 9 hours. My father knocked harshly on my window referencing to get out and grab all the bags. My mom, now she's a bitch, but my father isn't delightful either. I grabbed all the bags and followed my father. I felt like a slave, carrying all his bags and mine up the stairs. It makes me mad. Girls shouldn't have to do that. My father swung the door open so hard that it bounced off the wall and hit me smack in the face. "Dad? Really?" He turned around with a fake sad face on "oh I'm sorry did I hurt you? Well too bad" he laid on the bed. "You might want to clean your face up if you want to make any friends here" he said with his eyes shut. "Dick head" I muttered to myself. "Call me whatever you want sweetie but when you get tired of me Ignoring you than leave, okay?" I grabbed my bags. "Okay. I'll save you the time. Have a nice life." I waved him off and slammed the door shut. "Don't come crying to me honey" he screamed through the door. I walked down with my bags and set out to find my place in Tulsa.

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