Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
Brynne's POV

*the next morning*

"I can't Beth please don't make me go to school" I was crying. "I can't leave the house until I know he's gone. He's gonna kill me" I pointed to the door and yelled. "Shhh baby, you gotta go. It's only your second day. Just don't ever leave Ponyboys side, alright?" Darry patted my back. "Bye honey, have a nice day at school everyone" dar said and left with Sodapop and Steve. Sodapop was as happy as ever. Emma ran from the bathroom and went to go kiss soda good bye. "Come on sweetie go get dressed" I whipped my eyes and put on jeans and a light purple shirt. I did my hair and a little make up. Ponyboy was waiting at the door with my back pack and leather jacket. "Thanks I mumbled. The whole time we walked I was shoulder to shoulder with Ponyboy. He had his arm around me the whole thine trying to comfort me. Every time a twig snapped I would jump it turn around. "Hey Brynne, I know today's gonna be difficult but I just want you to know I'll try my hardest to be their for you" he rubbed my shoulder and gave me a small smile. We arrived at school I didn't know if I would last all day. It's crazy to think he found me. What if he's been here the whole time. A tear escaped my eyes, I quickly whipped it away and started towards the door. We were the last of the gang to arrive. Johnny, Twobit, and Dallas all were standing by Tim's locker. Emma and Sophie were chatting and Lexa was just by herself, sorta. She was surrounded by socs. I motioned for pony to go with the guys. "Hey what's going on here?" I asked and shoved my way through the little group of girls. "Oh look ugly one has a friend, ugly two" a soc nudged her friend. "Great comeback, makeup face." I said and Lexa giggled. Her eyes were red and puffy like she's been crying. I put my arm on her shoulder. "Why don't you just leave her alone before I knock your block off" Sophie said from behind the socs. Emma was at her side. The girls left and yelled "bye worthless, bitch, ugly, freak" tears burst out if Lexa's eyes. "Hey forget about them" Emma patted Lexa's shoulder. I walked to my locker and met up with ponyboy to start the day.

Lexa's POV

"Hey what was that about?" Johnny asked me at my locker. "Oh just socs trying to get under my skin" I muttered. 'Well they got there' "oh, well don't listen to them" he grabbed his books and kissed my cheek, then we parted ways. Luckily we only have one class without each other, but that was the worst class. All the girls bullying me earlier were in the same class. And it was study hall so the teacher just smoked the whole time. I sat down by the window and grabbed my book. "Hey whatcha reading loser?" Cathy sat down behind me and her group surrounded me sitting in chairs. "To kill a mocking bird." I mumbled. "Oh here let me see it?" She ripped it out of my hands and flipped through it. I tried to get it back but she tossed it to her friend. It was like a never ending game of monkey in the middle. My back was to the window now. "Here take it" one of them said and was about to give it to me but threw it out the window. "Nice catch lame ass" she spoke and laughed at her friends. I grabbed my bag and stormed out. But one of Cathy's mutants tripped me. My face met the floor in a second. I felt blood roll down my lips. My fricking lip was busted open. I ran to the bathroom shaking. Should I? Just one? I sat in a stall and ripped my bag open and pulled my knife out. I pressed it against my wrist and watched the blood drip onto the floor. Maybe two? Three? Six? I decided to stop and return to it later because I knew the bell would ring soon so I cleaned myself up and rolled my sleeve back down and left the bathroom with my head down. I realized I wasn't pretty. I need to stop eating. I have a big stomach and huge thighs. Then maybe everyone will love me.

Cori's POV

Twobit and I were making out in the back of history class. "You two are excused. None of us normal people want to see that" mrs voss said and smiled at the socs "damn hoods" she mumbled except the whole class heard it and burst out into laughter. "Good one mrs voss" Twobit cracked up. I gave her a thumbs up. We kept laughing and making noise in the hall way to disturb the other classes. We walked by the bathroom and saw Lexa walking out with her head down. Twobit nodded for me to go on her right and him on him the left to scare her. "What's shakin hot stuff?" Twobit yelled. She about jumped our of her skin. Twobit and I kept on laughing as she just walked away. I realized this and told Twobit to follow me. "hey I'm sorry to scare you. Are you okay?" I Asked her. "I'm fine" she replied and fiddled with her sleeve. "Okay but you know if anyone gives you trouble you come to me" two said on the other side. "Thanks guys" she still had her head down and sighed. Then the bell rang and out burst of kids came from every which way.

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