Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Darry's POV

I was worried Beth, Brynne and Clare have been gone for awhile now. I bet Clare's forcing Beth to buy her candy. I opened my door and hit Clare in the face with it. She either started crying or was crying. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Clare I didn't see you, are you alright?" I asked her. She had blood dripping down her head from the car door. I whipped it away. Twobit came running up. "Clare bare are you alright?" He asked too and tickled her stomach. She nodded and swatted her hands away. "Go Beth's in trouble" she said whipping her tears away. I handed her to Emma because the rest of the gang was out of the cars. Sodapop went up to Emma and tried to clean Clare's cut. Meanwhile I started running with Ponyboy close behind me. When I didn't see Beth standing anywhere around the big crowd I pushed myself through the crowd and saw my beautiful fiancé laying on the ground in pain clutching her bleeding stomach. "Dar the babies" she cried. "Did someone call an ambulance?" I yelled in the group of people some one said yes when I asked. I held onto Beth's hand and tried to comfort her but she was crying hysterically. I had tears down my face too. "You'll be alright" I kept saying to her even though she looked so pale, which scared me a lot. Soon the ambulance came up and carried her away. I got in with Ponyboy. The rest of the gang saw what happened and said they would meet us at the hospital. I was zoned out on the mask fogged up over her mouth when ponyboy broke the silence. "Dar-Darry. Brynne she's gone I looked everywhere for her. Clare said a bad man was taking her away" he said and cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his arm afraid for our girls.

Still Darry's POV

We arrived at the hospital right by the drop off for the ER. I hopped out and followed the man with my Beth into the hospital until he said I couldn't follow which hurt me but I wanted to be there for Ponyboy. I walked back out to see the whole gang standing by the ambulance doors staring in. I rushed over to see ponyboy still in their looking at the wall. "Come on buddy let's go wait inside" sodapop said and grabbed his hand and led him out. As soon as Ponyboys feet hit the ground he started yelling. "It's my fault she's gone, if I just would have been smart I would of just walked to the bathroom a with her. How could I be so stupid? I'm an idiot. If I would of gone Beth wouldn't be in their. I would. Then the babies would be fine. It's my fault" he yelled and threw a box from his jacket Into a bush and collapsed. Soda and I went to him. "Buddy we promise. We are gonna get her back" Soda encouraged and hugged him, I joined in. Emma was crying, she has gotten very close to Brynne. Almost inseparable. We walked around front to the waiting room to see if my babies were alright. 

Twobits POV

We just went to the waiting room. Clare was sitting on my lap but kept getting up and put her head down and whipped some blood away from her cut. I can't believe that sucker was still bleeding. Well she kept walking up to the ER door windows to see if Beth was coming. Each time she would frown and walk back. She kept switching to people's laps but never sat still. She finally stopped walking until a nurse saw her head and said. "What happened sweetie?" The nurse kneeled down by her. "I was hit by a car door." The way she said it was funny so I laughed. I got glares from the gang and the nurse. "And who are you" she asked impatiently. "He brother"I replied. "Well from the looks of her cut. She's gonna need stitches. Good one buddy" she said and sat Clare down in a wheel chair. She had tears streaming down her face and frantically looked around for one of us to come along. Emma ran over with Sodapop. "You should know I di-" I tried to stand up for myself. "Save it pal" the nurse said and stuck a hand out. "Whatever" I mumbled and went back to Cori. 

Lexa's POV

I was real nervous about Beth. She's like a mother to me since my mother is just a drunk. I put my head on Johnny's shoulder and fiddled with my sleeve. It's been over three months since I started cutting and starving myself. I hated hiding it but if Johnny found out he would fall apart. The soc girls have made it worse. They bully me at school. Almost everyday I leave study hall and go cut. One time it got so deep I almost passed out. The cuts stung a lot of the time. The gang has noticed my eating habits and has forced me to eat but I throw it up later and just say I didn't feel well. I was lost in my thoughts when a candy bar was dropped on my lap by Johnny. He had already bitten into his and waited for me to open mine. I shakily opened it and took a bite. Now that I rarely eat, nothing tasted good. I ate the whole thing and felt too full. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I ripped my purse open and took out my old tooth brush and shoved it down my throat forcing the food back up. A knock was on the door. I put the brush away and the door opened. Johnny rushed to my side. "Are you alright?" He helped me up and wrapped his arm around me. "It's just a bug." I mumbled and walked out. 


Sorry for all of the errors. I'm gonna proof read tomorrow morning! Please leave feedback! thanks stay gold

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