Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
Sophie's POV

I was scared for Beth, and her kid. I knew when she woke up she would be divested, she has always wanted to be a teacher but didn't have enough money after her family abandoned her for a foster family, they had enough of Beth after high school and disowned her. So she just came and lived with her boyfriend, Darry. We were all waiting in her room with flowers and balloons. Steven went to get Brianna and Cori stayed home with Lexa because Johnny forced her to stay home after an incident in the bathroom. Beth started to stir in her bed and looked groggily at us and weakly smiled. "Hi guys" she tried to sit up by grasped her stomach in pain. A tear shed down her face. "Something happened to the babies? Are they okay?" She asked still groaning in pain. Darry knelt by her side and kissed her cheek. "Well the stab cut open a child and will be a still born and the other child is perfectly fine, it might be premature though." She was balling. "Also you have to stay here for the eternal bleeding from cutting up your stomach." Darry said and squeezed his hand. "Soda go get the nurse please" Beth whimpered he went running out the door. Clare jumped out of Twobits arms and climbed on Darry's lap. "Beth are you gonna be okay?" She cried. "Yes Clare hun. I will be just fine, my stomach just hurts a lot" Beth explained. The nurse and doctor came running in. "I need everyone to exit the room except her fiancé" the doctor says and nurse took her pressure. I grabbed Clare out of Darry's lap and carried her to the waiting room. I gave her back to Twobit and said. "I got dance. I'll see you guys later. If Beth gets worse or any information about her someone please come and get me." Twobit kissed my cheek as I set her down. Dal played with his ring not offering to walk me. Sodapop hugged me. It was an emotional day. I started to walk away when Emma stopped me. "Hey I'll walk with you Soph" she turned around and waved to everyone. "I'll go with you" sodapop said and stood up. "No babe it's okay I need the fresh air." She walked over and smooched him. Then we walked out the door into the world of good and bad.

Cori's POV

Lexa and I just finished our burgers. And I'm surprised she is actually really funny once she breaks out a little. We got kicked out of a fast food restaurant because we were so loud when we laughed. She still seemed broken though. "Hey let's keep this part going. Let's go get tattoos and piercings." She suggested. "Are you sure? They hurt" I had gotten a tattoo on my lower back for my 16 birthday present to me. It was a the word 'hope'. "Yeah. I'm ready for a change" she said with a big smile! "Okay well Carlos's place is right around the corner" we grabbed hands and ran off. The door jingled when we walked in. "Hey it Cori and friend. What can I do for you today?" He asked and hugged me. "Um lots of piercings for me and a tattoo for her. Did you want some piercings too?"  I turned to her and she nodded. "Oh and dye my hair red at the ends and have it go into the dark brown please" Lexa said when she saw the hair dying sign. "Wow you girls are bad ass! And I'll treat you the best." He said and had Lexa sit in the piercing chair first. "I want a snake bite and earring all the way up my ear please than three on this side." She instructed. I gave her a thumbs up at her choice. "Damn girl got some pain tolerance I see, well no sugar coating it but this is gonna hurt like hell" he explained and wet the needle down with some cleaning stuff for her ear. He stuck her than quickly put in an earring. He did 8 holes and on the other ear he did three. Her eyes were glossed over but she didn't shed a tear. He took out a special box where his snake bites are and put it through her lip. "Okay go take a break before we get to your tattoo" he instructed and state me down on the chair.

Cori's POV

I mainly got the same thing down except I got a nose piercing instead of a snake bite. I hopped off and had zero pain from the needle. Lexa was doing pretty good too. "So I was thinking about getting Minnie Mouse eats right on my chest where my boobs start. It's just gonna be a small one." She cracked up. "I love that. Twobit won't take his eyes off of you then. I think I'm gonna get the word perfect over my scars" she put her head down. "I love it" I hugged her. "Whose first?" Carlos asked. Lexa raised her hand. She chose the arm with less recent scars. "I want the word perfect written over them. In black ink please." She told him. He kissed her arm before doing the drills before drawing it in pretty cursive letters. He put the cover over it and came to me. "Minnie Mouse ears please" I pointed right to my chest and showed him how big to make it. Mine didn't hurt so much because it was smaller but it still hurt a lot. I walked to the front of the store to see Lexa picking out hair dye. "I still like the red" she stated. "Same" Carlos and I said at the same time. We got her hair done and I paid for everything. It was only $50 and Carlos said the lip and nose and hair dye was on him because we were such good friends even though we weren't. "Thanks buddy. See you around." I yelled and walked back out into the cold with Lexa. "God damn it. What's Johnny gonna say?" She freaked out. "Don't worry. Hell still like you the way you are, anyways you look way more badass." I smiled and we continued to the house.

Sorry I didn't correct the grammar or miss spelled words. Oops. And sorry Cori and Lexa's day out isn't really 60s like. I guess they are just starting the other generations early😂 I had writers block all day but all of these boring filler chapters have something todo with the next big exciting chapter. Also yay chapter 30! Stay gold

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