Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Brianna's POV

Steve and I stopped panting awhile ago after we had sex. Now he was just playing with my fingers and looking into my eyes. "I love you so much Brianna. I almost lost it with out you" he smiled and kissed me. "I know, I'm sorry" I barely got out. My throat burned. My voice was hardly their. I rested my head on his shoulder. We laid in silence, and nearly jumped out of out skin when the phone rang. Steve got up and answered. "Hello?" "Steve? Hi this is Darry. I just wanted to let you know Clare's been asking for Brianna  to come over. And Beth's okay. She has to stay for awhile though." "Okay We will be over in a bit" "Okay see you in a few." "Where are we going?" I croaked. "The Curtis's. Clare's been asking for you. We can tell everyone we are back together" I smiled and but a shirt and pants on myself. "but I was looking forward to it just being us tonight" I sighed. "I know" I was standing by the mirror putting a little makeup on. "you look better with out make up you know?" He said and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled not wanting my voice to get worse. I grabbed my keys and inhaler and grabbed Steve off the bed of course and left.

We drove with 'yes' by merry Clayton blaring. Steve wasn't really into it because it's more of a girls night out song, in my opinion. "We are here thank god" he put his hands up in the air. I rolled my eyes, playfully and turned my car off. I was met by a gust if wind when I opened the door. I pushed it open and shivered, I forgot my jacket and was wearing a long sleeved thin shirt. Steve noticed and put his arm around me and walked up to the door. "Hey guys" Steve said and was greeted by everyone. Darry walked by me and stopped and caught a scent. "Is that smoke. Brianna, you heard what the doctor said. If you smoke you're gonna get lung cancer..." I nodded. "I know" my voice was broken. "You lost your voice?" Twobit laughed. I flicked him off. "How many cigarettes?" Sodapop asked. I held up five fingers with a shaky sixth. "What does she mean Steve?" Johnny asked. "She caught her rug on fire while she was in the bath and then I saved her." He pecked my lips. "Oh and we are back together" I piped up. Steve put his finger over my mouth. "Yeah shhhh don't talk. I'll go get my doctors stuff" Clare proclaimed and got off of Sodapops lap. We all laughed. Clare was truly young and innocent. That made me happy.

Johnny's POV

I thought Brianna voice sounded funny, but don't get me wrong I'm glad she's okay. "Has anyone noticed that our girlfriends still aren't home" Twobit motioned to me. "Yeah. I'm not sure where they are. Should we go look?" I said back. "I dig. Anyone else wanna come?" Twobit said and stood up. "Go where?" Clare said coming in the room. "We are gonna go look for Cori and Lexa" I said and patted her head. " I'm coming." Clare said already putting her shoes on. "No sweetie we can't fight anyone with you their." Twobit took her shoe off. "No fair" Clare stomped on Twobits foot and threw her shoe and him. "No way. Ponyboys Room now" Twobit pointed. I shuddered at the sight of him yelling at poor little Clare. She burst into tears and ran to Ponyboys room. "C'mon johnny let's go before she cools down" Twobit said to me and left the house. "So where do you think they are?" I asked. " I don't know man" he said lighting up a cigarette. "I thought we were gonna slow down on smoking for Brianna?" I questioned him. "I don't see Brianna. Anyways I'm trying to warm up" he rubbed his hands together. Like slightly heard a scream coming from the park but that could just be a bird. "You know you sounded a lot like Darry back their" I said to him. "Well gotta be tough with kids sometimes, you'll understand soon." He explained. "Just don't get too tough" I said thinking of how my parents treat me. It was pretty dark out and spooky. Then we heard the word help this time. So did Twobit. "Johnny go get the gang" he instructed me, I ran off hardly seeing four feet in front of me.

Sophie's POV

"Pretty ladies we got here. How 'bout you come with us. We will buy you a drink?" A blonde headed soc asked us. "No thanks. I don't drink" I spat on his shoe. "Rick?" The blonde held out his hand to a kid in the back seat. A brand new bear bottle was placed in blondes hand. He cracked it open and walked over to us. Our hair was whipping in the wind. Then he poured that foul drink, that I actually liked but just lied to him. It soaked me from head to foot almost. I was pissed and freezing. "What the hell" I stood up and bunched him in the nose. He attacked with a punch but Emma blocked it. She shook her arm, because this was a big guy. She punched his shoulder, he didn't budge. We both started to run but before we took 3 steps the blonde and I'm assuming 'rick' grabbed us. We heard feet slamming against the ground. "Oh lookie here rick. Two more greasy babes" blondey threw me against the ground i was met with a thud. I laid their limp while another friend from the back away started kicking me. I couldn't do anything. My vision was weak and I wasn't strong enough. Emma screamed but not very loud because she was punched in the face. My vision was blurry but It looked like Lexa and Cori fighting. I'm not for sure because the one girl had red hair. Emma had blood running down her arm. 'Rick' had a bloody knife still in his hand but still kept beating the crap out of her. The red haired girl wasn't doing too good.

She started to run through the park to get help hopefully. The guy that was kicking my stomach picked me up and threw me in the back seat and got in. He locked the doors and took my shirt off I used all my strength to slap in "awe come on baby.  I'm not all that bad" he protested and kept trying to kiss me. I was eventually backed against the car door looking for the lock so I could get the hell out. Right as a opened the door and fell out another car zoomed by almost running me over. I squealed scared for my life. I crawled on my hands and knees back to Emma who was laying passed out still getting beaten. Cori wasn't doing to good. She was still on her feet but blondey was too big for her. She soon collapsed. I was freezing, the soc still had my shirt so I was laying their in my sports bra probably getting a major cold.  My eyes started to droop. Then and their Cori collapsed next to me and Emma while the socs kicked us a few more times and hopped in their car high fiving and yelling into the night.

Dally's POV

Clare was sitting on my lap, yeah I kinda have a soft spot for the kid. She's gonna take my place as the tuff guy, well I guess girl when I'm no longer a teenager. "Look dal" she said and threw a small, plastic, toy box in my face. "Ouch. You're gonna get it little munchkin" I yelled and pinned her to the floor. Obviously not putting any weight on her wrists. "Dal, Darry, Steve, soda. Come quick the girls are in trouble" Johnny yelled as he quickly opened the door. "Brianna stay with Clare. Don't let her out of your sight" I warned. "Pony is in his room. You don't need to bother him" Darry added and we ran out of the door following Johnny. We were right behind him until he stopped. "This is where Twobit told me to go back" he said. "Twobit!" I screamed seeing if he'd reply. "Keith" Darry yelled. "Ka ka ka kaa" we heard Twobit yell back. We followed his voice to the sidewalk by the park. Twobit was kneeling on the ground in front of Sophie putting a jacket on her. "No man, worry about Cori. I got Sophie." He stood up and moved a few feet over to Cori who was all bruised and cut up. I bent down by Sophie who was reeked of beer and was topless. Sodapop was down by Emma, who looked half dead to me. Johnny rushed to his sister and helped soda pick her up. I took off my jacket and put it on Sophie. "Guys I'm taking Soph home. " I said and started to pick up my pace when.

I was walking through the park to shave some time off of the walk. I stumbled over another body. Sophie went tumbling out of my arms. It was Lexa. She was cut and bruised up almost everywhere. "Johnny?" I yelled. "Johnny?" I screamed. He came running up. "What man?" I pointed down. "Oh my god. She's dead isn't she?" He jumped right to conclusions.

"No man. But we gotta get them home before they do though." I said while I picked Sophie back up. We started to jog to the house with our girls in our arms. Darry, sodapop, Steve and Twobit were already home with Emma and Cori. To me it looked like Emma and Lexa were the worst off. Probably because Lexa was up against more than one soc. And knowing Emma she was probably protecting Sophie she she wouldn't get hurt for dance. The two people I care most about. Sophie and Johnny. Soph is hurt and Johnny is crushed because Lexa and his twin sister are in the worst shape.


Okay so I want to dedicate this chapter to Lexa because she had to leave the Instagram fandom today which really made me sad! so Lexa this ones for you! Johnny feels should be coming up! so tomorrow I think I'm gonna have a flashback chapter! it'll be cute but I lot of work! it'll be different! and on Instagram I'll use the old cover! it'll be perf! okay please leave feedback and vote! please vote lol stay gold

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