Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Dally's POV

I stood up with Sophie and put my arm around her. I knew she loved it, but she didn't want to show it. She easily made her way out of my arm. Half way their she was just looking ahead or at the ground. "Doll why are you so quiet?" She shrugged. "I guess I'm just tired. That's all." I nodded and pulled out a cancer stick. "Ya want one?" She shook her head, "nah, it'll mess up my lungs in dancing." I smiled thinking of something dirty. "So if you're a dancer, you're flexible, right?" I paused, "and if you are flexible than..." She looked at me with a red face. "Dallas Tucker Winston! I am 16 years old, I don't need to hear that" she screamed. I only smirked. "Fine, but I couldn't help myself doll" she tilted her head back in frustration, "I see Johnny and Lexa"

Lexa's POV

I was laying with my back on the ground, just star gazing. My parents don't care about me, each other, or anyone. All my life I have basically tried to escape them and keep my distance. That's how I met Johnny. We were both having parent issues and we both slept in the lot one night. Now almost 2-3 times a week we are sleeping outside. It was warmer this morning, but now it's about 40 degrees. It's the middle of March right now so I wouldn't expect anything else. "Hey Lexa" Johnny called from about 20 feet away, he must not of seen me. I scanned the ground for my glass. I touch a plastic frame. "Here!" I whispered to myself. I adjusted them to my face only to see Johnny two feet away from me. "Hey Johnnycakes." He half smiled and sat next to me. "How many times do I have to tell you not to leave your glasses in the ground?" He asked. "I'm not sure, probably more than you should" I slouched. "It's fine, just keep them safe. They make you look perfect." I slapped his arm playfully "johnnycake, did you just call me perfect?" The corners of his mouth went up. "Sure did." He hugged me. Technically Johnny and I weren't dating, but Dally told me yesterday that he really wants to. "Hey! Lexa! Johnny!" Dally yelled and waved us over. Johnny and I looked into each other eyes, knowing what was going to happen. "Race ya" we said at the same time. Johnny and I were even but I pulled out in the end. "Woah woah woah, guys, why do you always do that?" Sophie asked. "Because we can" Johnny replied. "You're becoming more like me everyday." Dallas patted Johnny

Cori's POV

I've been working for 5 hours, and I'm finally on my break. I have a killer head ache and I'm starving. I grabbed the order of fries the cool secretly gives me every shift and snuck into the back room. My butt was on the chair for 30 seconds when Sandra came barging in. "We need you, their is a big order at table 7 and Mandy and I already have 5 tables each." She began to walk out "oh and hide the fries. Boss at 12 o'clock. Don't ruin this for us" she meant don't ruin the fries that the cool gives us. He really isn't supposed to but we have bred doing it for years. I scrammed to my backpack and gently shoved the fries in it. I was still zipping my backpack when the door swung open. "Get out their Cori and be a waitress." My boss yelled lifting me up. "Fine, but I need a break after this" I stormed out grabbing my note pad and pen. I searched for table 7. Eight people were over there, great. I walked up and put a smile on my face "hi, welcome to the dingo! I'm Cori and I'll be your waitress. Can I start you off with something to drink?" A big muscular man said "eight pepsies please." A tough looking one said "make that seven and one beer" then one with long side burns and rusty colored hair said "six pepsies and 2 beers" he paused. "And a side of you" he winked. I laughed playfully going along with it, "well sir, you're silly, but looks aren't everything." I smiled and walked away leaving the whole table in laughter. Lucky people, they look like they have a good friendship. I grabbed their beers and pepsies, put them on a tray and padded towards the door. My eyes met one of Sandra's customers, Cherry, I hated that girl with a burning passion. She was just cruel to me. She out stuck her foot right as I went by, before I knew it the drinks were on the ground and, me. I looked up in anger at Cherry, "you got my shoes sticky." She pouted. "Too bad girly I'm not the one that tripped me." That came out wrong "are you sure you didn't trip yourself?" She spat, I set myself up for that one. I started to pick up the glasses when a hand came down to help me up, "you still look hot" side burns smirked.

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