Dat voice!!

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I walked in slamming the door excited and confused. "I'm back and it's time to get to work! I think my powers are... more are manifesting. Plus Anissa is Thunder which means her whole family is super hero's except the mom!" Once I finished I took a break and Tessa walked into the room with headphones in her ears and looked at me.

She took a headphone out her ear and looked at me. "Did you say something?" She said and I rolled my eyes. " I said I'm back and it's time to get to work! I have more powers manifesting. Plus Anissa and her whole family except the mom are supers!" Tessa smiled and began laughing.

"I heard you the first time, just wanted you to repeat it." I sat down and put my hand on my head. "An I just don't believe you it's impossible, none of your powers are connected so how can they manifest differently." Tessa said and I looked at her " Wanna see it work?" she nodded and I texted Anissa from my computer. "Can I call you?😬" then I looked at Tess as we waited for Anissa to respond. Seconds later she texted back "Yes 😁!" and I Facetimed her.

"Hey, beautiful." I said and She smiled "Hello Love, how are you doing." Anissa said not knowing she was blushing. "Fine and what's got you blushing?" I said with a smirk on my face, I knew I was the reason but I wanted to see what would she say. "Ohhh, I just got good news about my reservations at a restaurant." I knew she was lying but I wanted to see how far she would take it so I decided to ask her.

"Oh, what restaurant?" "A new Italian restraint nothing big." I giggled and just like at dinner I had her under my command. I could tell although she wanted to speak, but she couldn't so I spoke again. "Sooo, are you going to invite me or do I have to show up unannounced?" I said knowing she was still under my command but she still had a little free will. " I..I." at that moment we were interrupted by her dad bursting in.

"Anissa do you know what's going on with Jen and your mom?!?!" she dropped the phone and I heard them talking. "I think Lovely's giggle put you under a spell but I don't know why they didn't break outta it." "A WHAT?!?!?" her dad yelled "A spell, you know like at dinner when mom Jen and I wasn't really talking? " she said "THAT WAS HER?!?! WELL, WHERE IS SHE?!?!" He kept yelling. "Umm she's on the phone oh shit!" she hurried up and picked up the phone than she looked at it.

"If you don't mind can you meet us at the location I'm about to text you?" Anissa said and I nodded as we hung up

Moments later

Tessa and I arrived to the location but once we walked in we realized it was some tailors shop. "I must have the wrong place." I said as I turned back around. "Your Saint Lovely right?" the old man said and without turning around I shook my head no. "You have the wrong person, I'm sorry." before we could make it out the door black lightning was standing in front of Tessa.

"Excuse us, sir." I said as I saw Tessa tense up like she was ready to fight. "You're not leaving till you fix my friends." He said and I looked at him, I knew who it was but I didn't want to blow his cover in front of the old man. "Move sir or I will make you move." I said as Tessa got behind me."Make me!" He said and Tessa dropped the smoke grenade then the room filled with smoke.

I began punching Black lightning and then I took his vision. And with a short giggle, I caused him to stand still or so I thought till he somehow got a visual on me! He used his bolts to slam me from one wall to the other! Anissa entered from a secret passage screaming "STOP IT NOW!" we looked at her as the smoke cleared and I covered my mouth trying to make sure no one saw my fangs.

"Everyone downstairs now!!" She yelled and with the look on her face, you could tell she was mad. Tessa and I looked at each other than Black lightning and I glared at each other and Anissa inhaled then stomped her foot. It caused us to lose our balance and fall I quickly got up and helped Tessa get up. I grabbed my fang grillz from my case and put them on "If this is how you treat guests, I should've stayed in Saint Louis." I said annoyed and she looked down then back at me "I'm sorry."

Tessa and I walked down the stairs "Are you ok uncle Gambi?" she said. "Yea I'm fine." once everyone was downstairs we looked at each other. "Somehow it's like their in a paralyzed shock."

Gambi said and I looked at him as me and Tessa sat down unfazed knowing what the problem was. "Help them or I'll make yall!" Black Lightning said and I smirked. "If it's anything like upstairs, I'd like to see you try. Again." I said and Anissa slowly walked up to me looking genuinely sad.

"I'm sorry about upstairs but can you please help them." She said as she grabbed my hands "Their my family." I looked at Tessa and she stood up then I did the same. She walked over to the both of them and Anissa moved outta my way as I did the same.

Tessa handed Anissa the earbuds we created to block my giggle. "Where are ours?" Gam and Black Lightning said. I did a quick giggle and nothing happened then I did a short giggle like upstairs and got the same results. "That's why it didn't work upstairs." I said and Tessa looked at me. "What?" she said, "Do you know what you're doing?" Black lightning said and I looked at him. "What's yo problem with me? What did I do to you?" I said looking at him.

"You paralyzed them at dinner, you like my daughter and you've paralyzed my family. Again!" He said and I looked at him "I knew nothing about these powers till today so that's not my fault. Your Daughter wrote and liked me first but I'll help your family because I'm a good person unlike you! Once I'm gone, IM GONE BELIEVE DAT!"

I said then I looked at Lynn and Jennifer I breathed in and thought about something then I did a genuine giggle.

"You are released of duty and able to use your free will again." I said and they exhaled as they grabbed me hugging me tightly. "Thank you and we're sorry about his actions." Lynn said, "Thank you and none of this was your fault, we shouldn't have been snooping." Jen said and I smiled and hugged them back. I finally pulled away then Tessa and I began to walk back upstairs. The girls ran after us and yelled for us to stop.

"Please stay, I just started liking the idea of you being here." Jen said smiling "Look you're helping the city and you make my daughter blush, so your good in my book. Please don't go." Lynn said, "So you're going to just stand me up the day before our lunch date that's a first."

Anissa said looking at me a little sad. "I'm not this kinda guy, I just don't like being defenseless when my family is hurt or in danger." Black Lightning said and he stuck out his hand for me to shake it.

I stuck my hand out and shook his then we smiled. "I guess we're staying. I'm

Tessa Powers." Tess said and they introduced themselves too!

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