hide, Hide, HIDEEE!!

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February 10th Evening

"What kinda weed is that?" Anissa asked as I was rolling up my blunt looking at her smirking.

"Dis Dat Love of seduction mixed with Saint Lovely, they're named after me Obvi!" I said and Anissa smirked, "What does it do and why mix them both?" I lit it then inhaled as I looked at her. "Love of seduction deals with sex drive and sexual hormones while Saint Lovely helps you get the right energy your body needs. And I mix them cause it helps me get two in one." I said and she looked at me "You made this yourself?"

Anissa asked and I shook my head no "I worked with some of my close associates to make this and we sell it in Saint Louis but it's all healthy." I said and she smiled. Eventually, we began talking about everything while smoking. The more I laid there the more I thought about my dream and everything her family said to me. "What are you thinking about? " She asked looking at me curiously.

"Life, Love, and being a super." I said knowing what she was going to say then I lit a new blunt. "Tell Miss. Pierce about it?" She said cuddling up under me. " It's nothing but me just wondering about my life and what will I leave behind as Larien and Lovely Smith. And what will I leave behind as Saint Lovely."

She looked at me and kissed me I could tell she was still wanting more but for now, she was ok with the little I told her. I smiled and held on to her as I finished my blunt going to the next one.

Minutes Later

"Someone is coming up the driveway!" The house said and Anissa and I looked at each other. "Show me the outside cameras." I said and the tv turned on and It was the Pierce family. We quickly got up and I went to make Tessa and her boo help us mask the weed smell but it was too strong. I had the chef's cooking food and making snacks while we cleaned up a little more.

The doorbell rung then everyone looked at me and my heart dropped. I felt like a teen bout to get in trouble by my mother and my aunties. So I went to the door with fear on my face but once I touched the doorknob I was back to my grown self. I turned the doorknob and opened the door with a smile on my face.

"Hello, Pierce family." I said with a smiled and they said their hello's as they entered. "We need to talk to Anissa, Tessa and you." they said and I looked at them. "You can take those bags to the back while I go get Tessa we were just about to eat." I said and they went and put their things away with help from the housekeeping.

I ran and got Tessa and her guy then eventually the Pierce family came into the kitchen asking about the smell of weed. I told them the truth only because I had nothing to hide, well, not nothing but you know what I mean.

We sat down at the table and began to eat "Someone is after us so we have to stay here tonight and Gambi needs access to your equipment so he can make sure we're safe." Mr.Pierce said then Tessa and I looked at each other, "Your safe, this house isn't on the map or radar we have our own everything and were shielded from satellites." Tessa and I said looking at Mr.Pierce

"But Gam you're always welcome to make sure and tweak what you can." I said with a smile on my face as I finished eating and excused myself from the table.

I went upstairs and changed into my swimming suit then I went out to the back. I turned on the stereo but not too loud then I jumped into the pool. I loved my built-in speaker into the pool. I was really enjoying the alone time and the way the moon shined on the water. I began to change and turn into a Mermaid. Then I looked up at the stars while swimming backward.

"Can we join?" I heard Anissa ask, so I sat up and looked at them holding some alcohol with a tray of blunts and I smirked. They sat everything on the side of the pool then they got into the water and I swam to Anissa.

She put her hands on my waist and started rubbing slowly. I don't know if it was her or the weed but it felt sooo good. Then she slid her hand around my back down it and rubbed my ass eventually gripping it ass. I moaned a little and she bit her bottom lip.

"Yall do have company." Tessa said and I looked over at her then I gave Anissa a nod and she got on my back then I swam over to them. "Kilex this is Anissa my w- girlfriend, Anissa this is Kilex Tessa's husband." I said and they glanced at me and said their hellos. Anissa got off my back and I transformed into my human self.

"Baby, can you pass me a blunt?" I asked and she nodded while handing me one. I touched her chin and kissed her cheek slowly then Jen came outside. "Can I join please?" Jen asked and I looked at her then Anissa and I nodded. "I was just bout to play shark who wants to play?"

I asked and everyone raised their hand. I speed everything in the house then clicked a button and the pool got wider. I looked at everyone looking at me then I jumped into the pool and let the siren come out.

We played Shark for an hour and eventually I had to stop the game cause we all needed to get some sleep. Around 3:00 am I woke up outta my sleep and went to use the restroom. I eventually left the room Anissa and I were in and went downstairs. I walked down the hall for a while then I entered a room and look up. I only come here when I need to think and dream and right now I need both.

I walked to the big bed in the middle of the room. And I sat on it then laid down I wasn't in there a good ten minutes when I heard footsteps. "I didn't know you had this room?" Anissa said looking at me.

I nodded then she got into the bed and looked over at me then back up. I was looking up at the stars when Anissa grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry about all of this." She said and I sighed then smiled "Baby your fine everything is ok." I said and she sat up then she looked at me.

"No every day there's something and you in the middle of it whether it's money safety or just being around us. This is not what you asked for the first day you came to Freeland." She said and I looked at her then sat up "When I made you my girlfriends your problems became my problems." I said then I kissed her as we laid back down and continued looking up at the stars on the ceiling until we fell asleep.

Next Morning

"Lovely baby time to wake up!" Anissa said in a seductive voice while shaking me and I finally woke up and just looked at her. "Chef made breakfast and were waiting for you." She said and I giggled as I covered my mouth. "Alright let me go take a shower and I'll be down." I said and

She nodded and went to get the shower ready. I took the back way upstairs and She was just walking out of the room. I went and showered got dressed then finally made my way downstairs.

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