Wanna be yo diamond

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"I want yah ta have all of me before you leave," Kya said and I shook my head no as I packed my bags. "Why not? Am I not beautiful enough?" she asked and I closed my door putting a chair up against the knob then I looked at her. "You're asking a wolf if you're beautiful, Kya? I'm sorry but I have bigger plans than taking your innocents. I have one mission and that is to free my people before the next full moon. And I will not be in the middle of you and your mother's fight. I heard you both the other night and I won't stand for it." I said angered and Kya walked up to me and pushed me on my bed.

"Then lay down," Kya said in a seductive voice and I looked at her turned on. "Kya, I can't," I said, and she went full Diamond mode. Then she got on top of me and began kissing my lips and neck. I wolfed up, and she quickly stopped while getting off of me.

"You want me but can't even accept me in all my forms. Kya go do what you do best and sulk in your room." I said and she looked at me upset then Kya stormed out of my room.

Two hours later

I was walking down the hall when Carter stepped in the middle of it. I kept walking and Carter followed behind me. Once I was at the bottom of the stairs Carter spoke. "Your family is still alive," he said and I looked back at him. "You're a liar just like our father," I said and we glared at each other.

"The night they were killed it was all a show for you. I found three slaves with shapeshifting powers and made them turn into your mom, twin sister, and little brother." Carter said and I glared at him as my nose flared up.

"If you really went through that much trouble to cause me pain. Then your even more like our father than I thought." I said and Carter threw a small bag at me and I caught it. "Sniff em out Maggie," he said and I stormed out of the house. He had to be lying! I mean what kinda pleasure would he get from me being with my family?

Once I made it outside Lackland yelled from the balcony. "Adonis, Esther will be leaving with you and Adira. Don't go asking me why either just take her with you and bring her back the way she left." Lackland said and we looked at him sending Esther down the stairs with her bags.

Once we were all in the carriage we headed off. "How are you going to find them?" Esther asked and once we were far enough  Adonis laid a huge blanked over me and I wolfed up. Adonis put the clothing under the cover and I smelled them then I changed back into my human form. The carriage pulled over to the side and I got dressed under the blanket. Then one of Adoni's workers got in the back of the carriage as I quickly climbed into the front of the carriage. Adonis followed leaving Esther in the back with the worker.

Later that night

I was laying in the grass looking at the stars while wolfed up. I needed some time to just look at life's beauty. Needed a reminder that something chose me to be this way and love's me for me. "What are we thinking about Redmond the Beowulf?" Esther asked and I quickly looked at her standing a pretty good distance away from me. "I don't bite," I said and she chuckled as she walked over towards me. "Now what did you ask?" I asked her and she began to lay next to me while smiling.

"I asked what are we thinking about, Redmond the Beowulf?" she said and I looked at her and smiled. "The easiest question to ask me is what am I not thinking about." I said and we both laughed then Ester kissed my cheek then she just looked at me. I was about to speak when I felt water slide up my body which caused me to look at my body. I quickly looked over in Esters direction and she was gone then I felt a little weight on top of me. I looked and it was Ester in water form then she went back to her human body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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